Literary Terms English 10 Hard Choices Literary Terms English 10
Plot Series of related events that make up a story or drama.
Basic Situation (Exposition) The first part of a plot that presents the main characters and their conflicts.
Internal Conflict The struggle between opposing needs, desires, or emotions within a single character.
External Conflict A character who struggles against an outside force, which may be another character, society as whole, or something in nature.
Climax The most intense moment in the plot; the moment at which something happens that reveals how the conflict will turn out.
Resolution (Denouement) Where all the problems in the story are resolved, and the story is brought to a close.
Setting The time and place of a story or play.
Suspense The uncertainty or anxiety we feel about what is going to happen next in a story.
Atmosphere Mood or feeling in a work of literature created through descriptive details and evocative language.
Mood The emotions and feelings the story’s setting, theme, tone, and diction creates for the reader.
Tone The attitude the writer takes toward the reader, a subject, or a character created through the writer’s choice of words and details.