By:Dr seyed Mostafa Shiryazdi Associate professor of surgery Diaphragm disorders By:Dr seyed Mostafa Shiryazdi Associate professor of surgery
Clinical Anatomy -musculotendinous membrane -central:tendinous -peripheral:muscular
HIATUS -Aorta:T12 azygus vein-thoracic duct -Esophagus:T10 vagus nerves -IVC:T8
BLOOD SUPPLY -abdominal aorta:RPA-LPA -thoracic aorta:SPA -internal mamary artery
VENOUS DRAINAGE -left phrenic vein -right phrenic vein -Both drain to IVC
INNERVATION -Right phrenic nerve:motor innervation -Left phrenic vein:motor innervation -Intercostal nerve:sensory innervation
Diaphragm develops between the 4th and 8th weeks of gestation
Failure closure of the pericardio peritoneal canal cause CDH(bochdalek hernia)
The crura develop from the mesentery of esophagus
Higher position of diaphragm LIVER in right HEART in left
Diaphragm develops Transverse septum Pleuroperitoneal membrane Dorsal and lateral body wall Mesentery of esophagus
BOCHDALEK HERNIA Male:female 2/1 Left sided 90% Right sided 10%
Clinical Finding Rsepiratory dystress Absence of breath sounds Bowel sound in chest Scaphoid abdomen
Bochdalek hernia occurs in 1:4000-5000 live birth Morgagni hernia occurs <2% of all diaphragmatic hernia
Usually CDH discovered prenataly on routine ultrasound
Long term problems in CDH Gastroesophageal reflux Chronic lung disease Hearing loss Pectus excavatum seizure
Contained sac in morgagni Omentum Colon Stomach Liver Small intestine
treatment Nasogastric tube Fluid and electrolyte PEEP or ECMO surgery
Right side:thoracotomy Left side:laparotomy
Mortality 30-50% in 24 hours
MORGAGNI HERNIA Larrey hernia or retrosternal Rarely symptomatic Symptomatic after 40 years
HIATAL HERNIA Sliding Paraesophageal mixed
GER Medical Surgical FTT-repeated respiratory infection-anemia-recurrent
Diaphragm tumors Primary(rare):fibrosarcoma-hydatid cyst-TB secondary
Eventration of diaphragm Congenital(non paralysed) Acquired(paralysed)
Trauma to diaphragm 90% left sided Early diagnosis:laparotomy Late diagnosis:thoracotomy