Clouds C
What are clouds made of? - Water vapor condensed to liquid or ice. - Air that has reached dew point - Condensation nuclei (dust, salt, smoke, pollutants)
Environmental Lapse Rate - Temperature drops 5 C every 1000 meters due to the expansion of air. - McDonald Pass is 1924 meters, Helena elevation is 1324 meters. •What is the temperature difference?
Expansion Compression
Three ways air is lifted. Orographic lifting 2. Frontal Wedging 3. Convective lifting.
- Orographic lifting “RainShadow Effect”
Oregon Rain shadow Effect. - Mt. Hood is the snowcapped Peak.
- Frontal Wedging
- Convective Lifting
Different types of clouds indicate different types of weather. - Cirrus: High feathery clouds—usually clear skies - Stratus: Layered clouds from wind blowing horizontally—usually associated with fronts of moisture with stable air.’ - Cumulus: Puffy clouds from convection moving clouds vertically - Cumulonimbus: Large and tall clouds which produce heavy precipitation.
Why don’t all clouds produce precipitation? For precipitation to occur on earth, water droplets must grow by 1,000,000 times.