Driving mainstream EV uptake to meet 2040 Highways UK – Road to Zero David Rollafson Director, Transportation
Where are we on the journey? 170K registrations of plug-in cars since grant launched in 2011 2018 plug-in registrations snapshot: Source: SMMT 04-10-2018 Sept-18 ytd Sept-17 ytd EV 11,270 0.6% 11,127 0.5% PHEV 33,584 1.8% 25,704 1.2% Plug-in 44,854 2.3% 36,831 Total all 1,910,820 100% 2,066,411 A B The key is understanding mainstream consumer expectations, purchase and usage behaviour
The Challenge to 2040? Understanding consumer motivation to purchase an EV: Vehicle range / choice / availability Switching incentives Grants Road fund licence Charge zone exemption Integrated parking Energy cost (per mile) Taxation (ie. BIK%) Cost / depreciation Charger distribution Charger availability Charger performance Current “Mass Market” PHEV/EV
Consumer Vehicles & Energy Integration (CVEI) trial TRL led £5m trials ICE/PHEV/EV comparative Charging strategy 447 participants 510 charge points installed. 1,300+ vehicle handovers completed 123 cars driven 71,000 journeys recorded 584,000 total miles travelled 15,700 charge events recorded Including 3,600 public charge events
Consumer Charging Trials Unconstrained Charging User-Managed Charging Supplier-Managed Charging KEY POINTS Two types of Managed Charging proposition are being tested, alongside a control group with Unconstrained Charging User-Managed Charging (Time of Use tariff) Consumers incentivised to manage their own charging Rewarded for shifting charging to times of day when energy demand (and therefore energy price) is low Provided with Smartphone app to facilitate charging Supplier-Managed Charging Consumers incentivised to relinquish control to the energy supplier App provided so they can set their minimum charging requirements Charging then controlled by supplier allowing them to balance delivery of energy with supply-demand
Providing independent, evidence-based insight… How depreciation affects adoption? Did EV experience change purchase intention? How behaviour differs by consumer segment? Is an EV a viable purchase consideration today? A to B… 23% CAGR for 2040 53% CAGR for 2030 Charge time expectations? Comparative impact of 9 different incentives? Main vs 2nd car differences? Importance of rapid public charging? Threshold beyond which range is no issue? Range thresholds for PHEVs vs EVs?
Thank you David Rollafson Director, Transportation drollafson@trl.co.uk +44 [0]1344 770023 TRL | Crowthorne House | Nine Mile Ride | Wokingham Berkshire | RG40 3GA | United Kingdom