Homework Check Everyone should have their homework out. Resource Managers grab answer keys for each member of your team. Shoulder partners should share and discuss as you correct your homework. Reporters/Recorders take note of any questions the team might still have even after going through the answer key.
Lesson 6.1.2 Lesson Objective: Students will solve single- and multi-variable equations.
Problem 6-13 - Carousel Each team will be assigned a problem. Only the recorder will have a writing instrument to write down your solution. Facilitators must lead their teams to solve their problem as far as they can in the allotted time. When time is called, they should pass their problem clockwise to the next team which should continue solving the problem.
Learning Log Facilitators lead your teams through Problem 6- 14 on page 308 of your book and write your answers in your learning log. You may discuss among yourselves to help answer your learning log.
Lesson 6.1.3 Lesson Objective: Students will review (from a previous course) the connections between a graph, table, and the equations of a system of equations, as well as how to write equations to solve word problems. They will use multiple representations to solve a simple system of equations.
Problem 6-21 Facilitators lead your teams through Problem 6- 21 on page 311 of your book. Read the problem out loud or have someone read eat while everyone in the team follows silently. Make sure to enter your responses in the Resource Sheet and be ready to share out your answers.
Problem 6-22 Facilitators lead your teams through Problem 6- 22 on page 311 of your book. Let’s work this problem out together. Make sure you record your work on your resource sheets to earn your stamps.
Problem 6-23 Open your books to page 312. Facilitators lead your teams through Problem 6-23. Read the problem out loud for your group or have someone in your group read it while everyone follows silently. Record your answers on your resource sheet to earn your stamps and be ready to share them out.
Exit Slip Choose one problem from Problem 6-6 on p. 305 of your book and solve it as a team for the given variable showing all your steps. Facilitators make sure everyone in your team understands how it was solved.