Me By the Numbers Directions
Directions Must include 8 facts about yourself that include numerical quantities Example: I have been teaching for 13 years. NOT an Example: I like ice cream. 2. Include graphics/pictures (this is your chance to be creative!) 3. Don’t forget your name! 4. Can be a Google Slides presentation, or done on paper. If you use paper, please be sure that your assignment, is done neatly!
Paper Example
I have been teaching for 12 years. Mrs. Henderson I have been teaching for 12 years.
I have been at Eich for 5 years. Mrs. Henderson I have been at Eich for 5 years.
I have lived in Roseville for 11 years. Mrs. Henderson I have lived in Roseville for 11 years.
I have 2 children, Mia and Cian. Mrs. Henderson I have 2 children, Mia and Cian.
I have been married for 6 years. Mrs. Henderson I have been married for 6 years.
Mrs. Henderson I have two sisters.
Mrs. Henderson I have 1 dog, Ikie-Bobo.
I have run 3 half-marathons. MRs. Henderson I have run 3 half-marathons.