Mrs. Jensen’s News January 14th – January 18th, 2019 We are learning! We are enjoying the large variety of Jan Brett’s books! We’ve been comparing, contrasting and sequencing. THE MITTEN has been our favorite story so far. We read LITTLE PANDA and learned about Hua Mei. Boy were we excited to explore this book! We also watched Hue Mei at the San Diego Zoo. She had one busy afternoon! We studied the letters Nn & Bb. Ask your child what sounds these letters make. Have a hunt around the house to see how many things you can find that start with these letters. Write them down. Sight Words: away, with, find, come, she & me. While reading, see how many sight words you can find in the story. In math, we’ve been working on adding 1 and subtracting 1. Have your child teach you our partner dice game. (one more is… & one less is…) It’s been exciting comparing volume ! (more than, less than, the same as) We explored using water and oatmeal. Roller skating is going great!!! You are all invited to come and skate with (or watch) your child. Our gym time is 1:50 – 2:15. GREATNESS WORD: Helpful THANK YOU FOR ALL THE GRAHAM CRACKERS! Important Dates Jan. 21nd – No School-Staff Day Homework Read each night. Play Reading Eggs at home. Encourage your child to write sentences using the sight words they know. Practice counting objects and recognizing numbers to 30 and also counting backwards from 20. Mrs. Jensen