North Carolina School Library Media Coordinator Standards


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Presentation transcript:

North Carolina School Library Media Coordinator Standards November and December 2012 Back Channel:

School Library Media Coordinators Research shows that strong library media programs directly impact student achievement

Can We Agree? Appreciation for one another Exchange ideas freely Influence what we can Opportunity to reflect Unite in purpose

Learning Targets I will analyze the professional standards for NC School Library Media Coordinators. I will identify key components of the standards and design strategies for implementation in my school library media program. I will reflect on ways these standards can inform my practice as a school library media coordinator.

School Library Media Coordinator Standards Demonstrate Leadership 1 Build a learning environment that meets the instructional needs of a diverse population 2 Implement a comprehensive 21st Century library media program 3 Demonstrate knowledge of learners and learning and promote effective instructional practices 4 Reflect on practice 5 Copyright © 2010, SAS Institute Inc. All rights reserved.

Standard 1: School Library Media Coordinators demonstrate leadership Advocate Collaborator Instructor Ethical Educator

School Library Media Coordinators: Lead in the school library media center and media program to support student success Lead in their schools Advocate for effective media programs Demonstrate high ethical standards

Standard in Action

Carousel Assessment In what ways can school library media coordinators lead in the media center, the classroom, and the school? Count off by three’s Go to the numbered poster Identify a recorder Record your answer to the question above Move to the next poster when you hear the signal Materials needed: 3 posters with headings, markers, timer (optional) Three Chart Headings: 1) Media Center 2) Classroom 3)School Each group goes to their numbered poster and records their ideas. After five minutes rotate to another poster. (15 -20 mins.) 9

School Library Media Coordinators: Standard 2: School Library Media Coordinators build a learning environment that meets the instructional needs of a diverse population of students School Library Media Coordinators: Establish a learning environment that facilitates access to resources and addresses the learning needs of all members of the school community Provide appropriate resources, services, and instruction for learners at all stages of development

Universal Design for Learning at a Glance A short You Tube video created by the Center for Applied Special Technology (CAST) illustrates the three principles of UDL.

Standard in Action

Six-Step Partner Share Walk 6 steps, find a colleague: Share one strategy you have seen or done that models an environment that facilitates active learning, promotes participation, collaboration and teamwork. When time is called, go to a second person: Share one strategy that shows flexibility to accommodate multiple learning styles, 21st century skills and reading enjoyment. Direct participants to stand and find a partner at least six steps from their seat. This partner should be someone from another LEA or charter. Each participant will introduce himself/herself and engage in a conversation around the question provided. When the facilitator indicates it is time to find a new partner, each participant will find a new partner a minimum of six steps from the original partner. Again, the partner should be someone from another LEA/Charter. The process continues until the facilitator sends participants back to their seats. (10-15 mins.) Materials needed: timer (optional)

School Library Media Coordinators: Standard 3: School Library Media Coordinators implement a comprehensive 21st century library media program School Library Media Coordinators: Develop a library collection that supports 21st century teaching and learning Serve, promote and facilitate inquiry-based instruction and the effective use of information and technology

School Library Media Coordinators: Standard 4: School Library Media Coordinators demonstrate knowledge of learners and learning and promote effective instructional practices School Library Media Coordinators: Use effective pedagogy to infuse content-area curricula with 21st century skills Know the content appropriate to their teaching specialty Promote reading as a foundational skill for learning

Standards in Action

Exploring 21st Century Student Attributes Sit with your preferred level Elementary Future Ready Elementary Student Middle Future Ready Middle School Student High Future Ready Graduate Choose an attribute found on your 21st Century Learner. Discuss the “teaching” necessary to develop this attribute (What activities could you do as SLMC?) Creatively chart your response. Materials needed: copies of the grade level 21st Century students, timer (optional) Allow time here for sharing out. (20-30 mins.)

School Library Media Coordinators: Standard 5: School Library Media Coordinators reflect on their practice. School Library Media Coordinators: Analyze student learning Link professional growth to their professional goals Function effectively in a complex, dynamic environment

Let’s Look at Types of Data Achievement Educators use this data at the beginning of the school year to determine the entry level of performance and instructional effectiveness. Demographic Educators use this data to determine the subset of students and their grades or determine outside factors that affect student performance. Program Educators collect this data to identify what instructional effectiveness of the strategies that were implemented. Perception Educators may collect this data from students to determine how the students feel about their school.

Standard in Action

Think-Pair-Share How can school library media coordinators access data? As a school library media coordinator, what data can you access via your library automation system? Once you have the data, what can you do with it to inform your practice? Have participants pair up and discuss these questions. Then have some share out. 15 minutes. Materials needed: timer (optional)

Everything is Connected: Review of the Pilot Rubric

The Standards and Evaluation System Formative Growth Data-driven Alignment PD Serves as a guide for North Carolina’s educators as they reflect upon and improve their effectiveness as district leaders. Focuses the goals and objectives of districts as they support, monitor and evaluate student achievement. Guides professional development for staff and serves as a tool in developing coaching and mentoring programs for educators. Informs higher education programs in developing the content and requirements for educational degrees. Process information will be covered in the general session.

Performance Rating Scale/The Rubric Consistently and significantly exceeded basic competence on standards of performance Distinguished Not Demonstrated Did not demonstrate competence on, or adequate growth toward, achieving standard(s) of performance *Requires documentation Knowledge and skills replicated Exemplar of performance Exceeded basic competence on standards for performance most of the time Accomplished Innovation + High Performance Demonstrated basic competence on standards of performance Proficient Solid, effective application + success Never demonstrated Demonstrated adequate growth during the period of performance, but did not demonstrate competence on standard(s) of performance Developing Skill not mature or unsuccessful 24

Distinguished Accomplished Proficient Developing Consistently and significantly exceeded basic competence Distinguished Exceeded basic competence most of the time Accomplished Demonstrated basic competence Proficient Demonstrated adequate growth toward achieving standards, but did not demonstrate basic competence Developing

Rubric in Action

Evaluate Partner with a participant. Describe an activity that you implement as a LMC in your school. Have your partner identify the standard(s) category for that activity and performance rating. Together, brainstorm ways you can improve the activity. Then do the same for your partner. Repeat as time permits. Materials needed: timer (optional) 15-20 mins.

NCDPI Resources

Quick Connection to Common Core

Best Practices From the NC SLMCs and ITFs Group Code: qdu2q0

Additional Resources to Consult Books and Articles Morris, Rebecca. "Find Where You Fit in the Common Core or the Time I Forgot About Librarians and Reading." Teacher Librarian. 39.5 (June 2012): 8-12. Gewertz, Catherine. "Common Core Thrusts Librarians Into Leadership Role." Education Week. 32.3 (September 11, 2012): 1, 18-19. Web. 25 Sep. 2012. <>. Harvey II, Carl. No School Left Behind: Leadership, School Improvement, and the Media Specialist. Columbus, Ohio: Linworth Publishing, Inc., 2008. Hill , Rebecca. "All Aboard!:Implementing Common Core Offers School Librarians an Opportunity to Take the Lead." School Library Journal. (April 1. 2012): n. page. Web. 25 Sep. 2012. <>. Webcasts/Webinars Cox, Tamara, Kristen Hearne, and Monique German. "Your Common Core Secret Weapon With the Librarians in the Middle." TL Virtual Cafe. Blackboard Collaborate, 01 Oct. 2012. webinar. <>. Arsonson, Marc, and Sue Bartle, perf. "Part I On Common Core-Getting Real." School Library Journal , 18 Oct. 2012. web. <>. (Part 1 of a 3 part series) Remember that NCWiseowl provides free access to many journals!

Contact Information Dianne Meiggs, PD Consultant, Region 1 (252) 340-0113 Dr. Jody Cleven, PD Consultant, Region 4 (919) 699-9870 Kathryn Parker, SLM Consultant (919) 807-3267

Credits Lance, Keith, perf. Chapter 4: School Library Characteristics that Affect Student Achievement. 2010. Web. 18 Nov 2012. < 17124>. UDL at a Glance. 2011. Web. 18 Nov 2012. < ideos/udlcenter/udl>.