Ebenezer Baptist Church Advent A Season Of Waiting Ebenezer Baptist Church 12.9.18
Waiting: to trust, wait, tarry or rest. Old Testament-the emphasis is on our daily walk and the need to wait on God for His providential care in our life. New Testament-the focus is on the promise of Christ return and how should waiting on the Lord’s return impact our daily lives.
There was a period of waiting on the coming Messiah, the Holy Spirit and there is now a period of waiting on the return of Christ as King.
Waiting bolsters critical areas of Christian life. Our faith-faith being the substance of things hoped for the evidence of things not seen (Hebrews 11:1) causes our faith to grow. I cannot see the outcome as I wait. Our dependence-we can’t fix it therefore as we wait our dependence on God grows. (Prov. 3:5-6; Matt. 6:19ff)
Our Humility-when others may cry why aren’t you doing something you can reply, “I am waiting on God”. (James 4:6; I Peter 5:6) We all too often mishandle waiting by becoming impatient, fidgety, fearful, frustrated, anxious and angry.
Waiting Is Expectant Waiting is anticipation, expectation and confident hope that something will take place. Waiting is wrapped up with knowing, trusting and believing in the Lord and His person, His character and His promises.
Waiting is confidence in God’s wisdom, love, timing and understanding of our situation and that of the world. Trusting in His principles, promises, purposes and power. Psalm 27-waiting expectantly, knowing God will be our help.
Psalm 130-waiting expectantly as a watchman Psalm 130-waiting expectantly as a watchman. Anticipating passage of time when there would be a release from a duty station. Waiting of the sun to rise, day to break, light to replace darkness and the warmth to replace the cold.
Waiting Involves Critical Practices Positives and Negatives (Psa. 37:1-9; Lam. 3:25) Action at the right time (Eccl. 3:1-8) Contentment (Phil. 4:11-13)
Waiting and Actions to Refuse Refuse to retaliate Refuse to pass judgment Refuse to walk away for the relationship rather pursue Biblical reconciliation Refuse to marry on the rebound Refuse to change jobs etc. and run from circumstances because of difficulties
Refuse to manipulate others or circumstances. Refuse to fret over the prosperity of others and or becoming jealous, envious, resentful and frustrated. When we do not wait as we should we turn to human strategies at the expense of our walk with God and our relationships with others. (Jer. 2:11-13)