The Heart of the Matter
What the heart of the matter is 2. How did we lose it? 3. What can we do to recover it? 4. What will that look like?
The Heart of the Matter …. Recover the Awe
Understanding what it is….
“An emotion that combines honor and fear and respect.” Holman Bible Dictionary
“Reverential fear; the emotion inspired by contemplation of the sublime.” Webster’s dictionary
How the Bible describes it: It is our reaction when we encounter God as Majestic in Holiness, Awesome in Glory, and Working Wonders… Ex. 15:11
A look at Isaiah’s experience of awe:
He saw his own sinfulness in comparison to the holiness of God.
It drove him to repentance.
It helped him hear the voice of God.
It led him to volunteer for service.
What does our awesome God expect of us? Deut. 10:12-13
1. To be people who reverence Him.
2. To be people who are willing to walk in His ways.
3. To be people who serve Him with all of our hearts.
4. To be people who obey His commands.
5. To be people who worship Him in the splendor of His holiness.
Reverence Fellowship Service Obedience Worship
What causes us to lose this …. “Heart of the Matter?”
Many possible reasons. But basically two: Satan Self
Satan does not want us connecting with God, so…. He Blinds our eyes
2. He tells us to focus on anything except God
3. He lies to us about what is important
Self (the old nature within us) tells us we should be king or queen of our own lives. We are easily deceived
2. We are bored with life and seek earthly satisfaction
3. We are born with the downward pull away from God
What can we do???