From Potsdam to Bonn CAP Reform 2003 and its National Implementation General Rural Development Policy (RDP) is an essential field of EU policy for EU-10, for CC´s and for the EU as a whole The new Rural Development Regulation (RDR) is positive The new RDR offers chances for environment and nature The new RDP needs sufficient financial ressources Kilian Delbrück, Bonn
From Potsdam to Bonn CAP Reform 2003 and its National Implementation Diversity Broad diversity of economic, environmental and social conditions Diversity of legal and political traditions Different conditions => different needs EU can not decide on the use of RDP instruments in Member States Member States have the opportunity and the responsibility to decide Kilian Delbrück, Bonn
Process & Participation I From Potsdam to Bonn CAP Reform 2003 and its National Implementation Process & Participation I Process is essential for RDP implementation Involvement of local level (particularly landowners, farmers, NGOs)! But the right national/regional framework is also important Participation when establishing and implementing the RD plans! Dialogue between agricultural and nature protection actors Kilian Delbrück, Bonn
Process & Participation II From Potsdam to Bonn CAP Reform 2003 and its National Implementation Process & Participation II Training and capacity building for all actors necessary for successful implementation RDR includes provisions for participation, training and capacity building – use them! Awareness for environment and nature is important Evaluation and monitoring have to be efficient Administrative burdens are a problem, but innovative approaches do exist Kilian Delbrück, Bonn
From Potsdam to Bonn CAP Reform 2003 and its National Implementation Specific Measures AES are well established For Natura 2000 RDR is key financing instrument Broad menu of measures for implementing Natura 2000 (e.g. AES, E-LFA, non-productive investment, forestry measures, training) Mistakes in setting up the Natura 2000 network can be avoided, strive for acceptance of Natura 2000 Forestry, LFA, investment in holdings: Clear environment and nature criteria are necessary to avoid environmental damage Kilian Delbrück, Bonn
From Potsdam to Bonn CAP Reform 2003 and its National Implementation Integration Integration among environmental RDR measures (e.g. nature conservation plan for farms) Integration of economic, ecologic and social objectives and measures: axes 1,3 & 4 measures have to take into account environmental concerns Strive for positive integration: positive effects of farming for nature positive effects of nature conservation for rural areas LEADER is a key integration measures and should be an important part of RDP implementation Do not build windbreakers but windmills! Kilian Delbrück, Bonn
Long Term Perspectives From Potsdam to Bonn CAP Reform 2003 and its National Implementation Long Term Perspectives Who will manage High Nature Value Farmland 30 years from now? How will High Nature Value Farmland be managed 30 years from now? Conservation or/and development of Nature? Conservation or/and development of Structures? Beware natural and cultural heritage for the next generations! Kilian Delbrück, Bonn