CS-171 Discussion Week3
Project Dues Sun 31 Jan Sun 14 Feb Sun21 Feb Sun 28 Feb Sun6 Mar Problem Generator Backtracking Search Sun 14 Feb Forward Checking Sun21 Feb AC (ACP/ MAC) Sun 28 Feb MRV & DH Sun6 Mar LCV
executables Java C++ Python java monsterSudokuSolver <input_format> java version 1.7.0_85 C++ monsterSudokuSolver <input_format> gcc version 4.4.7 C++11 is supported since gcc 4.7 and gcc 4.4 has C++0x support Python python monsterSudokuSulver <input_format> python version 2.6.6
input parameters <input_file_name> <output_file_name> <timeout in seconds> <options> < options > [GEN | BT | FC | ACP | MAC | MRC | DH | LCC] We will run your executable as… (any valid combination should be valid) $ monsterSudokuSolver npqm.txt problem1.txt 60 GEN $ monsterSudokuSolver problem1.txt log_problem1.txt 60 BT $ monsterSudokuSolver problem1.txt log_problem1.txt 60 BT FC $ monsterSudokuSolver problem1.txt log_problem1.txt 60 BT ACP $ monsterSudokuSolver problem1.txt log_problem1.txt 60 BT MAC $ monsterSudokuSolver problem1.txt log_problem1.txt 60 BT FC MRV $ monsterSudokuSolver problem1.txt log_problem1.txt 60 BT FC DH $ monsterSudokuSolver problem1.txt log_problem1.txt 60 BT FC MRV DH $ monsterSudokuSolver problem1.txt log_problem1.txt 60 BT MAC MRV $ monsterSudokuSolver problem1.txt log_problem1.txt 60 BT MAC DH $ monsterSudokuSolver problem1.txt log_problem1.txt 60 BT MAC MRV DH $ monsterSudokuSolver problem1.txt log_problem1.txt 60 BT ACP MRV $ monsterSudokuSolver problem1.txt log_problem1.txt 60 BT ACP DH $ monsterSudokuSolver problem1.txt log_problem1.txt 60 BT ACP MRV DH $ monsterSudokuSolver problem1.txt log_problem1.txt 60 BT FC MRV DH LCV $ monsterSudokuSolver problem1.txt log_problem1.txt 60 BT MAC MRV DH LCV
submissions LastName_UCINumericID_TeamName.zip bin src doc Single executable or main script (lib, other scripts should be located in subfolders as lib, packages…) Replace older one with newer ones src Codes (we will compile your code directly) doc Reports Progress report for every submission Final report
reports progress report per every submission Final report Scope Main task such as implementing generator, backtracking search, etc Progress List of coding progress Designed XXX, implemented XXX, in a structured manner Problems & Questions … that have arisen doing your work Results use provided test scripts or your own List of changes since last version Final report We will release it next time
grading Final report 25 % Progress report 10 % (2 % each) Team Formation Extra 1 % GEN,BT 10 % FC 15 % ACP, MAC 15 % MRV, DH 15 % LCV 10 % Speed bonus points The Fastest 10% get 10 bonus points The second fastest 10 % get 9 bonus points … The lowest 10 % get 1 bonus point Your own design (not using provided java shell) Extra 15 % Should clearly mention it in progress report / final report Should provide distinctive features - cannot compile 0 score will be determined by fraction of test problems solved (e.g. if N tried and you solve half of them, you get half of the full credit) late submission rule applies
GEN Problem generator Your program produce text file If input M, N, P, Q is invalid output text file with a single line error: invalid input parameters Else If time out timeout Else Produce a problem file as specified
BT Backtracking search Your program read a problem file and produce a log file as TOTAL_START=<time> starting time PREPROCESSING_START=<time> AC preprocessing goes here PREPROCESSING_DONE =<time> SEARCH_START=<time> SEARCH_DONE=<time> STATUS=success | timeout | error SOLUTION=assignment NODE=<Number of nodes> DEADENDS=<Number of backtracks> If you find a solution before timeout, terminate your program !
Note Provided Java shell is not enough for the first submission. You should adapt desired input/output rules