Welcome to DEEPER LIFE BIBLE CHURCH, AMSTERDAM Year of a Bountiful Harvest Sunday Worship Service 10 February 2019
God’s grace is greater than your greatest guilt! EXPERIENCING THE WONDER OF GOD’S TRANSFORMING GRACE – Genesis 6:7-8; Romans 5:18-20 God’s grace is greater than your greatest guilt!
KEY THOUGHT Grace is the unmerited, undeserved favour of God KEY THOUGHT Grace is the unmerited, undeserved favour of God. It is the free, universal redemptive mercy of the Lord which offers transformation, justification and righteousness to people who deserve by their deeds and conduct nothing but damnation in hell. No matter how deep a man is inside sin’s pit, God’s grace is able to reach and rescue him!
THE GOSPEL OF GOD’S GRACE The gospel is the good news of God’s grace. It covers the: guilt and sinfulness of man: Rom 3:23 universality of forgiveness: Rom 10:13 insufficiency of good works: Rom 3:20 salvation through Christ: Rom 5:15- 17,20; Acts 15:11; 4:12 transformation for great sinners: 1 Tim 1:13-16 God is a great Saviour and a great Forgiver! ”
GODLINESS THROUGH GOD’S GRACE Grace produces a lasting change in us: It turns sinners to saints: Eph 1:7; 2:8 It replaces guilt with joy: Eph 2:4-7 It gives us victory over sin: Rom 6:14 It controls our lifestyle: Col 4:6; II Cor 1:12 It prepares us Christ’s coming: I Pet 1:13-16; Titus 2:11-14 It helps us serve God acceptably: Heb 12:28 Grace helps us to please God !
GROWTH IN GOD’S GRACE There is no room for stagnancy in grace. We must GROW from initial grace to: more grace: James 4:6 abundant grace: II Cor. 4:15-18 great grace: Acts 4:33 all grace: II Cor 9:8 exceeding grace: II Cor 9:14 sufficient grace: II Cor 12:9 God’s transforming grace is still available for YOU. Why not accept it now? ”