28 Northern Way Project Update January 2019
Looking out from Northern Way one morning Genesis 9:13: I have set my rainbow in the clouds, and it will be the sign of the covenant between me and the earth.
Building fund and donations £ 1,030,000 From the sale of Out Westgate £ 250,000 Total incoming to date £ 1,280,000 Purchase and planning £ 741,000 Roof £ 88,000 Construction so far £ 181,000 Total spend to date £ 1,010,000 Unspent funds available £270,000 Still needed for warehouse: £ 213,000
Office Block: Kitchen and toilets £ 80,000 Fixtures & fittings, furniture, equipment, etc to move in £ 75,000 Grants Received Beatrice Laing Trust £ 5,000 All Churches Trust £ 19,000 Total shortfall for warehouse, kitchen, toilets, moving in: £ 344,000