Origins, Objectives, and Doctrines: Animal Liberation Front
Origins Hunt Saboteurs Association (HSA)- 1962 John Prestige Committed to nonviolence Band of Mercy-1970s Break away group of HSA (Sabbers) Named after Victorian Youth Wing of the Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals First use of arson as a tactic and the first attack on an animal research laboratory Ronnie Lee and Clif Goodman Founders of the ALF- 1975 “Something more had to be done for animals”
Objectives The center of attacks against animal cruelty since the 1970s Attacked laboratories, factories, fur farms, businesses, and anyone else who supports animal cruelty Guidelines: To liberate To inflict To reveal To take all necessary precasutions
Doctrines Animals = humans Breaking the law will get the job done They are not property Breaking the law will get the job done Saves lives Follows alongside guiding principles
Realistically... But look at that face.