Evaluation Network Meeting Brussels, 25-26 February 2010 Ex post evaluation of Cohesion policy programmes 2000-06 co-financed by the ERDF, 2000-06 (Objective 1 and 2) Work Package 5a - Transport Patty Simou, DG REGIO Evaluation Unit Evaluation Network Meeting Brussels, 25-26 February 2010
Key Task of the Evaluation Assess the contribution of ERDF to the development of the EU transport system Focus on 18 Member States accounting for over 95% of ERDF allocations to transport 15 regional case studies 2 case studies on road safety 2 case studies on regional airports
Challenges Evaluating impact is challenging because of: lack of comparable data different timeframes for EU10 and EU15 the time it takes for investment effects to change the economy Given the thematic approach to the ex post evaluation, this study did not cover: unit costs, which were delivered by WP10 Cohesion Fund investments, currently underway by a separate evaluation
Main Findings ERDF Allocation to transport: EUR 34 billion Roads: 100.000Km 24% of motorway expansion Rail: 4.000 Km 13% of high speed rail expansion Airports: 31 modernised Ports: 130 improved
ERDF contribution to the development of the transport Main Findings (2) ERDF contribution to the development of the transport sector has been significant across the EU but: Focus of investment is still predominantly on roads Progress is slow in the rail sector ERDF interventions in airports/ports are extremely diverse Link between needs and strategies not always clear Impact of ERDF transport interventions on regional development (JRC)
Recommendations Road: limited to upgrading of networks / strategic networks – not maintenance Rail: focus on projects delivering regional development beyond the main centres served Airports / ports: relieve clearly identified constraints Urban: greater emphasis Cost-Benefit Analysis is crucial in preparing transport projects Monitoring should be strengthened
Policy implications Programme strategies must address needs No more roads in the EU15? Rail Sector Planning and Implementation to be improved Urban / multi-modal transport : need for stronger focus Airports / ports : case by case
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