Wednesday October 24th Thursday October 25th Wolf hollow Centers #2 Wednesday October 24th Thursday October 25th
Essential question How can interacting with a text help me to gain a deeper understanding of the plot/setting/theme/characters?
Standards Center 1: Center 2: Character Traits LAFS.6.L.3.4 – Practice using Wolf Hollow vocabulary words using previously taught strategies of clarifying the meaning of unknown words using context clues Center 2: Character Traits LAFS.6.RI.1.1 – Cite textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text Center 3: Open-Ended Question Sort LAFS.6.SL.1.1 – I can pose and respond to specific questions with elaboration and detail by making comments that contribute to the topic, text, or issue under discussion. Center 4: Chapter Mapping LAFS.6.RI.1.3 – Analyze in detail how a key individual, event, or idea are introduced, illustrated, and elaborated in a text (e.g. through anecdotes)
Center 1: Type in the code found on the front board Enter code… Type in the code found on the front board Work on the matching game – definition and vocab term These are our Top Ten Most Wanted Words for the first two groupings of readings Use this time to update your composition book with the correct definitions and to study for the upcoming Vocab Quiz
Center 2: Character Traits Center Refer to your reference sheets in your comp. bk. Turn in your character sheets.
SAYS FEELS DOES THINKS WHAT OTHERS SAY ABOUT THE CHARACTER Indirect Characterization: What a character: SAYS DOES THINKS FEELS WHAT OTHERS SAY ABOUT THE CHARACTER “You’re the rich girl…It’s a rich girl’s name.” Betty spat spitballs in Annabelle’s hair and stabbed her repeatedly with her pencil. does Says jealous hostile
Center 3: Open-ended question sort Remember that deep questions should open the mind more – shouldn’t be a “call and response” type questions. Make them think! Center 3: Open-ended question sort Empty the envelope of cards Collaborate to sort the cards into two groups: thin/closed/shallow and thick/open/deep questions Once you have agreed, on this sheet, write an “O” for the Open-ended or thick questions and a “C” for the Close-ended or thin questions.
Center 4: Chapter Mapping Use the book to complete this sheet for the events in chapters 6-8. Students will work independently
Are you too noisy? Watch your time