Making Variety Performance Claims Group 1
How do users know about the performance of varieties? When conducting variety demonstration (adaption, Marketing and registration) Trade fairs Learn from neighbors (model farmers) Talking to breeders Seed catalogues Media Out of curiosity – their own testing
What source of information can be trusted Information from Government Other farmers (sharing their own experience) – that's why we use farmer to farmer extension model. Breeders (Public r private) – but, where do we get the breeders? Do they interact with farmers in the fields?
Emerging questions How often do we get farmers complain about quality of seeds? Through politicians, in open fora (field days) due to high dormancy rates. However, non-performance can be non-varietal e.g. environmental related. It is important to undertake participatory testing (organoleptic characteristics) Before the release we conduct willingness to adopt! Suppose its low?