PRINCIPELS OF PHYSIC (Lecture 3) Building Physics PRINCIPELS OF PHYSIC (Lecture 3)
From Previous Lecture Basic concepts of Climate Factors affecting the climate Components of Climate Climate Zones Temperature Moisture in the Nature Water & Water vapor in the building Relative Air Humidity
The Contents of This Class Lecture 1.0 General principles of physic 1.1 Introduction to general physics 1.2 Physical factors and units 1.2.1 Length L 1.2.2 Area A 1.2.3 Material quantity q 1.2.4 Volume V 1.2.5 Mass m 1.2.6 Work W/ s 1.2.7 Heat and Cool Heating and cooling energy 1.3 Thermal comfort and healthy life
1.0 General principles of Physics Physic is the most fundamental of the sciences. Originally Physics is a Greek word cal. In Latin means Physica. Both of the words mean Nature. It affects all treatments that take place in our environment. It has a direct relationship to our life and nature. Physics deals with Properties and Structure of materials. The main part of the Physics is the Heat or Energy. This means that Physics deals with Material and Energy. It shows the correlation between both factors in a space. Building Physics helps saving energy in energy efficient house, which ensure thermal comfort with fewer energy use that causes less environment pollution. Architecture causes more or less energy use in our life, it depends certainly on building realization, this is our goal to help environment. It means Building Physics give more power to houses in the unfavorable climate resistance
Heat & Heat quantity [Q] Heating energy Heating is transfer of energy, from a hotter place to a colder place in a substance. Like kinetic energy among particles of a body. Cooling energy Cooling is also the transfer of low thermal energy from a menial body temperature to another one. It happens her the temperature compensation.
Air Pollution Poison gases Carbon dioxide CO2 | Sulphur dioxide SO2 | Primary energy Oil, Gas, Coal, Uranium and Renewable energy in the nature Secondary energy Chemical reaction to change Primary energy and Secondary energy Final energy Petroleum, Gas and Electricity energy (ready to produce useful energy) Useful energy Heat, cool, Light Poison gases Carbon dioxide CO2 | Sulphur dioxide SO2 | Nitrogen dioxide NO2 | Dioxin C4 H4 O2
Thermal comfort in the building Thermal comfort and healthy life Thermal comfort means that a person feels neither too cold nor too warm. Thermal comfort is important for health and well-being as well as productivity. Thermal comfort can be defined as the complete physical and mental well-being. A lack of thermal comfort causes stress among building occupants. When they are too warm, people can feel tired; when too cold, they will be restless and distracted. Hot Cold 37 oC 34 oC 31⁰C 35⁰C 39⁰C 43⁰C 36.8⁰C Neutral Condition Slight discomfort Major loss in efficiency Death