2018-2019 Business Rule Changes (ESC) Simple Solution. Brighter Futures. 2018-2019 Business Rule Changes (ESC) April 2018 Presented by: Melissa Lemons
18-19 Miscellaneous Rule Changes In addition to the business validation rules that have changed due to various legislation discussed during this training, please take note of other rule changes from the cumulative change logs for sections 5 and 8.5. Other rules changes come from: Quality assurance discoveries Support questions Program area requests
Rule Text / Business Meaning 18-19 Education Organization Rule Changes JJAEPs are excluded from reporting an National School Lunch Program participation status because JJAEPs are county run programs outside of the official public school program. Rule Applies To Rule # Rule Text / Business Meaning Error Level TSDS PEIMS Sub ESC District Campus Charter 10020-0036 (revised) Except for campuses registered with TEA as a JJAEP, if a campus has at least one student enrolled with ECONOMIC-DISADVANTAGE-CODE of "01" or "02", then NSLP-TYPE-CODE must not be "00". F 1 X If a non-JJAEP campus has enrolled students who are eligible for free or reduced-price meals under the National School Lunch and Child Nutrition Program, then TX-NSLPTypeCode must indicate the campus is participating in the program.
18-19 Finance Rule Changes - Revisions The following rules were revised to exclude governmental charters with CDNs "057814", "057840", "068803", "101807", "101811", "174801", "212804", "220810", "227806", "227819", and "236802": 20030-0036 20030-0037 20032-0056 20032-0063
18-19 Finance Rule Changes - Revisions The following financial rules were revised to include additional governmental charters (CDNs "057814", "057840", "068803", "101807", "101811", "174801", "212804", "220810", "227806", "227819", and "236802“): 20030-0022 20030-0023 20030-0024 20030-0025 20032-0025 20032-0026 20032-0027 20032-0028 20033-0002 10011-0009
Rule Text / Business Meaning 18-19 Staff Rule Changes Refine this rule checking payroll object code to staff responsibility, excluding paraprofessional responsibilities (ROLE-IDs 033 and 036). Paraprofessional ROLE-IDs are limited to using OBJECT-CODE 6129 for their payroll. Rule Applies To Rule # Rule Text / Business Meaning Error Level TSDS PEIMS Sub ESC District Campus Charter 30060-0005 (revised) If OBJECT-CODE is "6119", then at least one staff responsibility with a ROLE-ID other than "033" or "036" must exist for that staff member. F 1 X If the staff person has payroll with a TX-ObjectCode indicating "salaries or wages for teachers and other professional personnel", then they must have a staff responsibility reported for a non-paraprofessional role. para-professional role-ids 033 and 036 should use Object-Code 6129 Salaries and Wages for Support Personnel
Rule Text / Business Meaning 18-19 Staff Rule Changes New ECDS rules to verify CLASS-ROLE against ROLE-ID. Rule Applies To Rule # Rule Text / Business Meaning Error Level Collection PEIMS Sub ESC District Campus Charter 30305-0020 (new) If CLASS-ROLE is "01", "02", or "03", then ROLE-ID must be "047" or "087". F ECDS X If TX-ClassRole indicates this teacher is the Teacher of Record (01), Assistant Teacher (02), or Support Teacher (03), then TX-StaffRole must be Substitute Teacher (047) or Teacher (087). 30305-0021 If CLASS-ROLE is "04", then ROLE-ID must be "033". If TX-ClassRole indicates this staff person is a PK Classroom Aide (04), then TX-StaffRole must be Educational Aide (033).
Rule Text / Business Meaning 18-19 Student Rule Changes New rule to display an error when an IEP Continuer is also reported as a graduate. Rule Applies To Rule # Rule Text / Business Meaning Error Level TSDS PEIMS Sub ESC District Campus Charter 40100-0164 (new) If IEP-CONTINUER-INDICATOR-CODE is "1", then there not must be leaver data with a matching TX-UNIQUE-STUDENT-ID and LEAVER-REASON-CODE "01". F 1 X If a student is reported as an IEP continuer, then leaver data indicating that the student has graduated must not be sent for that student.
Rule Text / Business Meaning 18-19 Student Rule Changes New rule to prevent Title I Part A program data from being reported for a student who is not enrolled on the Fall snapshot date. Rule Applies To Rule # Rule Text / Business Meaning Error Level TSDS PEIMS Sub ESC District Campus Charter 41461-0013 (new) For each student Title I Part A program association, there must be a student with a matching TX-UNIQUE-STUDENT-ID and AS-OF-STATUS-CODE of "B", "D", "F", or "X". F 1 X For each student Title I Part A program association reported, there must be a matching student reported who is enrolled on the Fall snapshot date.
Rule Text / Business Meaning 18-19 T-STEM Educational Organization Rule Change LEAs that are approved as a Texas Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (T-STEM) Academy will be required to report participation at the student level. Rule Applies To Rule # Rule Text / Business Meaning Error Level TSDS PEIMS Sub ESC District Campus Charter 10020-0048 (new) For each campus registered with TEA as an approved Texas Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (T-STEM) Academy campus, there should be at least one student with T-STEM-INDICATOR-CODE of "1", or else a warning will display for verification S 1, 3, 4 X Each campus approved as a Texas Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (T-STEM) Academy campus should report at least one student as enrolled in the program.
Rule Text / Business Meaning 18-19 T-STEM Student Rule Change T-STEM students will be verified that they are enrolled on a campus approved as a T-STEM Academy. Rule Applies To Rule # Rule Text / Business Meaning Error Level TSDS PEIMS Sub ESC District Campus Charter 40100-0169 (new) If T-STEM-INDICATOR-CODE is "1", then CAMPUS-ID-OF-ENROLLMENT from the student school association must be a campus approved as a T-STEM campus. F 1, 3, 4 X A student enrolled as a T-STEM participant must have a TX-CampusIdOfEnrollment that is an approved Texas Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (T-STEM) Academy campus.
Rule Text / Business Meaning 18-19 ECHS Educational Organization Rule Change LEAs that are approved as an Early College High School (ECHS) will be required to report participation at the student level. Rule Applies To Rule # Rule Text / Business Meaning Error Level TSDS PEIMS Sub ESC District Campus Charter 10020-0049 (new) For each campus registered with TEA as an approved Early College High School (ECHS) campus, there should be at least one student with ECHS-INDICATOR-CODE of "1", or else a warning will display for verification S 1, 3, 4 X Each campus approved as an Early College High School (ECHS) campus should report at least one student as enrolled in the program.
Rule Text / Business Meaning 18-19 ECHS Student Rule Change Early College High School (ECHS) students will be verified that they are enrolled on a campus approved as an Early College High School. Rule Applies To Rule # Rule Text / Business Meaning Error Level TSDS PEIMS Sub ESC District Campus Charter 40100-0170 (new) If ECHS-INDICATOR-CODE is "1", then CAMPUS-ID-OF-ENROLLMENT from the student school association must be a campus approved as an ECHS campus. F 1, 3, 4 X A student enrolled as a ECHS participant must have a TX-CampusIdOfEnrollment that is an approved Early College High School (ECHS) campus.
Rule Text / Business Meaning 18-19 Special Ed Flexible Attendance Rule Changes New rule to prevent Special Ed Flexible Attendance eligible days (non-Speech Therapy) from being greater than regular Flexible Attendance eligible days. Rule Applies To Rule # Rule Text / Business Meaning Error Level PEIMS Sub ESC District Campus Charter 42505-0024 (new) For a particular TX-UNIQUE-STUDENT-ID, CAMPUS-ID-OF-ENROLLMENT, INSTRUCTIONAL-TRACK-INDICATOR-CODE, REPORTING-PERIOD-INDICATOR-CODE, and GRADE-LEVEL-CODE, the sum of all instances of FLEX-ATTEND-DAYS-ELIGIBLE-IN-INSTR-SETTING (where INSTRUCTIONAL-SETTING-CODE is not "00") must not be greater than (FLEX-ATTEND-TOTAL-ELIGIBLE-MINUTES-PRESENT/240) on the matching Flexible Attendance. F 3, 4 X For a student reported with special education flexible attendance, the total of all TX-TotalEligibleDaysPresent in any instructional setting other than Speech Therapy must not be greater than (TX-TotalEligibleMinutesPresent/240) on the matching flexible attendance item. Each increment of 240 minutes is converted to one day of eligible days present. NOTE: Refer to “Special Note about Attendance Context Rules” for guidance on matching attendance data.
Rule Text / Business Meaning 18-19 Special Ed Flexible Attendance Rule Changes New rule to prevent Special Ed Flexible Attendance eligible days (Speech Therapy) from being greater than regular Flexible Attendance eligible days. Rule Applies To Rule # Rule Text / Business Meaning Error Level PEIMS Sub ESC District Campus Charter 42505-0025 (new) For a particular TX-UNIQUE-STUDENT-ID, CAMPUS-ID-OF-ENROLLMENT, INSTRUCTIONAL-TRACK-INDICATOR-CODE, REPORTING-PERIOD-INDICATOR-CODE, and GRADE-LEVEL-CODE, the sum of all instances of FLEX-ATTEND-DAYS-ELIGIBLE-IN-INSTR-SETTING (where INSTRUCTIONAL-SETTING-CODE is "00") must not be greater than (FLEX-ATTEND-TOTAL-ELIGIBLE-MINUTES-PRESENT/240) on the matching Flexible Attendance. F 3, 4 X For a student reported with special education flexible attendance, the total of all TX-TotalEligibleDaysPresent in the Speech Therapy instructional setting must not be greater than (TX-TotalEligibleMinutesPresent/240) on the matching flexible attendance item. Each increment of 240 minutes is converted to one day of eligible days present. NOTE: Refer to “Special Note about Attendance Context Rules” for guidance on matching attendance data.
Rule Text / Business Meaning 18-19 Career and Tech Ed Flexible Attendance Rule Change New rule to prevent Career and Tech Flexible Attendance minutes from being greater than regular Flexible Attendance eligible minutes. Rule Applies To Rule # Rule Text / Business Meaning Error Level PEIMS Sub ESC District Campus Charter 42510-0018 (new) For each Career and Technical Education Flexible Attendance data item, FLEX-ATTEND-TOTAL-CAREER-TECH-MINUTES-PRESENT must not be greater than FLEX-ATTEND-TOTAL-ELIGIBLE-MINUTES-PRESENT on the matching Flexible Attendance. F 3, 4 X A student’s CTE flexible attendance TX-TotalEligibleMinutesPresent must not be greater than TX-TotalEligibleMinutesPresent on their matching flexible attendance item. NOTE: Refer to “Special Note about Attendance Context Rules” for guidance on matching attendance data
Rule Text / Business Meaning 18-19 Discipline Rule Changes Added Disciplinary Action Code 27 “mandatory action not taken for a special education student” to this rule, because disciplinary actions for special education students must be reported with a Primary Disability Code. Rule Applies To Rule # Rule Text / Business Meaning Error Level PEIMS Sub ESC District Campus Charter 44425-0069 (revised) If DISCIPLINARY-ACTION-CODE is "27" or "50"-"61", then PRIMARY-DISABILITY-CODE must not be "00" or blank. F 1 X If the TX-DisciplinaryActionCode reported for a student is "mandatory action not taken for a special education student" (27), or one that indicates an assignment as a "result of a determination by a non-district special education hearing officer" (50-61), then a TX-PrimaryDisability must be reported.
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