Nat Turner Rebelled
Pg 241
1800’s American Women Could no voe, hold elecive office, or aend college. Most professions were closed to them. If they married, they could not make legal contracts, divorce an abusive husband, or gain custody of their children. Women like thes led the fight not only for women’s rights but also for other causes that would lead to a “more perfect society.
Pg. 251
Lesson 2 Antislavery and Women’s Rights Focus your reading What method of freeing slaves did whites first propose? How did the abolitionist movement lead to the women’s rights movement? What did William Lloyd Garrison propose?
Focus Your Reading #1 Some White Americans first proposed a gradual freeing of slaves. #2- Abolitionist movement gave many women a better understanding of their own lack of rights. #3 William Lloyd Garrison proposed that all slaves be freed immediately
In January 1831 the abolitionists founda a new voice In January 1831 the abolitionists founda a new voice. William Lloyd Garrison. A white newspaper editor in Boston, published the first issue of THE LIBERATOR. The news paper demanded all slaves should be freed immediately. He attacked slavery like a revival preacher. Black abolitionist supported him.
The abolitionist CRUSADE paved the way for equal rights for women. “ The investigation of the rights of the slave has led me to ba better understanding of my own” Angelina Grimke