A B C C D E F LA LA LV LV LV A3 A2 A1 LA P3 P2 A3 A1 P3 P1 A2 A2 P3 P1 Online Figure E5 A, B, and C are TEE mid esophageal bi-commissural views showing flail P2 segment in A, prolapsing P1 in B and flail P3 in C shown by white arrows. D shows all 3 scallops of posterior mitral valve leaflet with P2 prolapse (white arrow). This view is obtained by counterclockwise rotation of the TEE probe from the bicommisural view so that the imaging plane bisects all scallops of the posterior MV leaflet as shown by the rose line in the inset. E shows all 3 scallops of the anterior leaflet with A3 prolapse (white arrow) and F is a similar view in another patient with A1 flail (white arrow). This view is obtained by clockwise rotation of the TEE probe from the bicommissural view so that the imaging plane bisects all scallops of anterior leaflet as shown by the rose line in the inset in F. LA P3 A3 P1 A2 P2 A1 A1 A3 A2 LV LV