Line-of-Sight Analysis Study for City of Irving Traffic Management System Tim Williams POEC 6387 8/4/03
Purpose: Model Transmission Cone Create Surface & Extrude Buildings Generate Line-of-Sight Rays
Used spot elevations to generate a TIN for a selected part of Irving. Added and extruded one source (60’ tall water tower) and several targets (18’ tall receivers at intersections) Added buildings and extruded based on footprint size. Created TINs to represent Line-of-Sight from tower to intersections.
Bush Turnpike Airport Frwy / SH 183
Transmitter Coverage area is 60 degrees horizontally & 3 degrees +/- the horizon. The Water tower on which the transmitter would be located is at the apex of the sector.
Upper limit of cone 18’ targets at intersections Transmitter at 60’ on water tower Lower cone
Buildings, first ray. No apparent obstructions
First ray, looking south
Ray to three additional targets Cyan ray shows building obstructions
Green ray has building obstructions Cyan ray dips beneath the surface.
Conclusions and Recommendations: Using the rotate tool in ArcScene causes the view to be displayed in wireframe due to large file sizes. Fly-through tool also shows only in wireframe. Building heights should be modeled more realistically, by LIDAR and checked by site inspection. Solids could be ‘extruded’ horizontally with custom VB code using the Cylinder Multipatch method. (Nathan Shephard-ESRI)