Revision? How? What? When? Why?
Revision Tactics Revision is simple, if you start early and do it right! Create your Base Knowledge Resources Mind Maps, Posters, Notes These are all excellent methods of getting the basic knowledge that you need to apply down Make them visual! Make your revision notes as colourful as you can. Use highlighter pens or coloured pens to section out different types of information. Vary the layout of your notes, making each page slightly different so you can quickly bring up a mental picture of the page containing the information you are trying to recall. Also try cartoons, flow charts, graphs, bullet points, timelines and sketches – all help to break up the text and make it more memorable Practice Questions The computing website has all of the Past Papers for your specification and the old spec. They are also split into sections, so that you can pinpoint what you’re doing. Self-Assess your Answers Get me to check them I can’t mark every question, ever, every week.. Sorry! The best way to revise is to practice independently and get me to check them! I can check them faster than I can mark them! Create your Knowledge Gap Resources Cue Cards, Mind Maps, Self-Assessment Grids These are all excellent ways to address something you didn’t know! Make the resource specific to what you didn’t know on a question Have another go at the question If you got it right AMMEND YOUR BASE KNOWLEDGE RESOURCE If you didn’t get it right TRY AGAIN
Top Revision Tips Create a Plan Don’t Cram Eat, Sleep, Revise, Repeat You need to start early, the night before is too late Eat, Sleep, Revise, Repeat We’re not saying that this should be your life but it’s a surprisingly good rule to follow. When you are revising, short study sessions followed by short naps are considered one of the best ways to learn. You read that right – it’s actually beneficial to take naps. The Pomodoro method follows a basic pattern of 25 minutes studying followed by a five minute break. If you do four of these in a row you can then have a longer break. It works because you learn better in short sessions and you don’t have to punish yourself with unbroken hours of revision. Follow the following magic formula: Create Base Knowledge Resources Practice Questions and Papers Create Knowledge Gap Resources Practice again!
Revision Technique Resources the-grade techniques
Revision Resources for Computer Science Text Book – You all have one! level_Computing/WJEC_(Eduqas)/Component_1/Data_structures Online Textbook (Not as good as the real one – but a change!)
Revision Timetables Setting your GCSE Study Goals Before you dream up your ideal GCSE revision timetable, you need to understand your study goals. To be successful, your study goals need to be Smart, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Timely. Setting study goals for yourself will help you: Focus on achieving short-term goals Think about the bigger picture Guide you to create your study plan The key to creating your GCSE revision timetable in the best possible way is to outline your study goals from the outset. Let your goals guide you to build a plan that works for you. This will set a strong foundation for success, both in the short and long-term.
Making a Revision Timetable Go to Click on GCSE Resources GCSE Revision Timetable Sign up to an account
Choose Study Secondary
GCSE, Year 11
Choose your subjects If you can’t find one use the Other box at the bottom. (They should all be there)
Click on the Calendar Add your subjects Click “Recurring” Choose “week” from the drop down
Download a PNG and Print! Print two copies: One for me, one for you!
Finance Revision Technique Practice, Practice, Practice Papers! You have made “most” of your Base Knowledge Resources Do a Past Paper Create your Knowledge Gap Resources Practice Again!