Sales Managed Environment® These printed materials were developed exclusively for the use of ACTG and shall remain the sole and exclusive proprietary materials of ACTG. Permission to use, redistribute or otherwise publish these materials must be attained in writing from ACTG.
Building a Sales Managed Environment® Standards & Accountability Motivation that Works Coach for Success Hire Better Bankers Upgrade Your Team Coach the Effective Selling System SME Upgrade ©ACTGLLC 2011 - 2018
Good, Bad & Ugly SME Upgrade ©ACTGLLC 2011 - 2018
SESSION OBJECTIVES Identify severity of problem Improve performance management skill Execute performance management conversations SME Upgrade ©ACTGLLC 2011 - 2018
Pareto Principle 80% of Problems 20% of People 80% of Market 20% of Companies 80% of Results 20% of Effort SME Upgrade ©ACTGLLC 2011 - 2018
WHO are These People & Why are They HERE? Make the client right the names of those that are underperforming – missing the mark – below 90% of quota 80% of people = 20% of results SME Upgrade ©ACTGLLC 2011 - 2018
The Middle 60% Lacks effort, getting results Identify problem (slump, focus on goals) Develop discipline for effort Effort there, lacks results Identify problem (poor data, poor execution) Coach for skill, execution of system and process SME Upgrade ©ACTGLLC 2011 - 2018
Execute This is different This requires courage This is not about being nice or being mean Assume that you have people in the wrong boxes Execute This is different This requires courage You cannot have a need for approval This is not about being nice or being mean Assume that you have people in the wrong boxes Assume that I’m right Execute this SME Upgrade ©ACTGLLC 2011 - 2018 8
Is Your Bottom Getting Better? Overachievers (+105%) Achievers (95 to 100%) Underachievers (90 to 95%) Decoys (below 90%) Current Average for Group Revenue CM Baseline Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Variance % You have to start tracking performance outcomes and compare them to previous performance. CM = Contribution Margin SME Upgrade ©ACTGLLC 2011 - 2018
Before You Begin The Will to Sell Sales DNA Need for Approval You Your People The Will to Sell Need for Approval Beliefs Buy Cycle Sales DNA SME Upgrade ©ACTGLLC 2011 - 2018
(Data or performance issue) (Why are they still here?) Walter? Have Results Lack Results Effort Lack of Effort (Stay out of way) (Heading for slump) Effort Lack of Effort (Data or performance issue) (Why are they still here?) Where’s As you gather information you can now determine where your people are relative to Effort & Results We call this ‘where’s walter. Keep in mind this very important thought. This is not about punitive action for those that are not performing the effort or the results. This is a discussion to identify where you producer needs coaching so that they can succeed. SME Upgrade ©ACTGLLC 2011 - 2018
Stay Out of the Way “Bob, thank you for the results you are generating. You must be thrilled as this will help you achieve your personal goals and objectives. Just as important though, I also want to thank you for your consistent effort. You may not realize this, but others on the team look to you and follow your lead. The way that you execute on sales skills “week in and week out” sets a great example for the rest of the team. Thank you. Now, Bob, what else can I do for you?” People in this category still need coaching – ALL the time – they need to feel the love or they will end up in another box. The keys here are to thank the producer for their effort and results. It would sound something like: SME Upgrade ©ACTGLLC 2011 - 2018
Heading for Slump Have Results “Bob, I want to thank you for the results you are generating. You must be thrilled as this will help you achieve the personal goals and objectives you have for your family. I am worried about one thing though, can we talk about that? Bob, how long is our sales cycle? (120 days). Okay, so based on that and looking at our success formula, then the results you are getting today are a result of what? (The activity I did a while back) That’s what I was thinking and that is why I am concerned. Based on the activity here (show them the data), you are headed for a slump. Is that where you want to be?” Have Results This might be the toughest producer on your team because they ARE producing results. As much as you would like to avoid this discussion or believe it isn’t necessary I promise you it is needed. If it doesn’t take place you will eventually find this person in box #3. The discussion sounds something like SME Upgrade ©ACTGLLC 2011 - 2018
Data or Performance Issue “Bob, obviously based on the numbers you see here, you are not on schedule to achieve the extraordinary year to which you had committed to manage yourself . But, this is where I’m confused. The data I have- that tells me about your effort- indicates that you should be at or above your goals, but that isn’t the case. My experience tells me that it can only be because of one of two things: either the data you are entering is not accurate or you are failing to execute properly. Which one is it?” This might be the easiest to deal with because the results aren’t there and you KNOW it can only be for one of two reasons. The producer is lying about the activity they are recording or they are failing to execute on the sales system or their sales skills are poor. This is what you need to find out Once you find out if it is either wrong data or poor execution you need to establish a coaching routine and a discipline approach to improve effort AND execution SME Upgrade ©ACTGLLC 2011 - 2018
Lack of Effort Lack Results “Bob, I have to tell you that I cannot figure this out. Your effort and results are a total surprise to me. If _ months ago, someone said to me that you would be failing, I would have said ‘no way.’ (Show Bob the job posting you used for the position he is in and his resume then show him his current sales activity and results.) Bob, I take a look at this (job info) and I think – ‘This is what I hired.’ I look at this (the results) and I’m thinking ‘This is what I got.’ Bob, did I make a mistake?” Lack Results If you are gathering data on a regular frequency and your are gaining insight on a weekly basis then this discussion should not be taking place. This box is here so that I can point out to you the importance of the coaching required in the other three boxes. There is only one discussion that takes place here but it is important for you to realize that this discussion ONLY takes place after several other discussions have failed to move this producer from box 3 to 2 or from box 2 to 1. In other words your managing, coaching and motivating has failed. At this time you need to ask yourself this question: did I make Bob this way or did I hire bob this way. But let’ assume for a second that you do need to have a discussion. It needs to sound like this SME Upgrade ©ACTGLLC 2011 - 2018
Veteran Bubble Discussion Here is your work history Here are the expected outcomes What happened? This is what is happening today This is what the job requires – activities, outcomes, behaviors, skills This is what we thought we hired – resume, interview, evaluation results This is what we are getting – did we make a hiring mistake? SME Upgrade ©ACTGLLC 2011 - 2018
Failing New Hire Discussion This is what we are getting This is what how we defined success Did we make a hiring Mistake? This is who we hired This is what the job requires – activities, outcomes, behaviors, skills This is what we thought we hired – resume, interview, evaluation results This is what we are getting – did we make a hiring mistake? SME Upgrade ©ACTGLLC 2011 - 2018
Sales Manager’s Practice Activity and Skill Focus Objective and Outcomes My Action Items Don’t be a hostage exercise: Break into groups of 3 and assign roles of manager, current ‘on bubble’ RM or prospective RM, and observer. Use Implementation Schedule on next page as guide to capture activities. Manager should role play performance management discussions using slides 13 – 15 as guide. Hiring: Based on what you have identified in your own team, what do you have to look for in the future that is different than what you have looked for in talent in the past? Use real cases wherever possible. Demonstrate ability to hold effective discussion with both current RMs as well as new candidates to more effectively hire and coach essential expectations and sales behaviors Group breaks into small groups of 3-5. Participants are to take notes in each session of coaching, drill for skill and role play for their personal action items. At the conclusion of this Coach’s Forum, you will go around the room and ask for their action items identified. SME Upgrade ©ACTGLLC 2011 - 2018
Implementation Schedule Who What When Name (Sales Professional) Skills Coaching, Behavior Inspection Monthly Sales Observation Pre and Post Call Sessions Every other Friday 2nd Friday of month Weekly with appropriate opportunity How will you implement a more effective performance management system? SME Upgrade ©ACTGLLC 2011 - 2018
MAP: My Action Plans Action Items Next Step By When? 1. 2. 3. SME Upgrade ©ACTGLLC 2011 - 2018