Annual Meeting 2018
Post-degree Supervision Across the U.S.A.: Licensees and Supervisors Rick Bruhn, Ed.D., LMFT-S, LPC-S, Member TSBEMFT, Professor, Sam Houston State University, TX Lindsay McCarthy, M.S., LMFT Associate, Doctoral Student, Sam Houston State University, TX AAMFTRB, September 26, 2018
Researching Supervision for MFT Licensure Research team at Sam Houston State University Use of a “content analysis” approach to analyzing the data. Krippendorff, K. (2004). Content analysis: An introduction to its methodology (2nd ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. Interest in studying the similarity and differences in MFT post-degree supervision for licensure in 50 states and the District of Columbia We are presenting our first look at the data we have collected. (We will gratefully receive feedback!) I want to acknowledge the work of SHSU graduate assistants, Lindsay McCarthy and Elizabeth Cox in collecting the information from state websites.
Post-Degree Supervised Experience Total Hours
Post-Degree Supervised Experience Total Hours 8 States allow for hours to be carried over from graduate experience 5 states differentiate experience hours needed based on education level Range 4,000 – 1,000 Total 2,200 – 1,000 Direct 1,000 – 250 Relational
Required Hours of Supervision
Frequency of Supervision Not mentioned for 21 states Trends in Frequency: 20 states define frequency of supervision by X number of supervision hour(s) per X direct client contact hour(s) (i.e. 1 hour of supervision per every 20 hours of direct client contact) 10 states define frequency of supervision by meeting within a certain time period (i.e. once a week, four times a month, etc.)
Minimum Time Frame for the Experience All states require 2 years as a minimum time frame for post degree experience with the exception of: 8 States never mentioned minimum time: Arkansas, Alaska, Michigan, Montana, Nebraska, North Carolina, Washington, and Wyoming 3 States differentiated between masters and Ph.D. (or 60 advanced graduate study hours) minimum time; Colorado, New Jersey, and West Virginia require 1 year for post PhD Oregon and require 3 years Virginia requires 21 months Connecticut requires 1 year
Type of Supervision: Individual or Group
Individual Supervision Defined
Group Supervision Defined
Number of Supervisees Allowed per Supervisor Not mentioned/known: 33 states 3 X CA 4 X WV 5 XXX DC, NY, WY* *unless more approved 6 XXXXXXX HI, ID*, KY, NE, NV*, NJ, PA* * unless more approved 7 X VA 8 XX MS, SC 10 X LA 12 XX AR, OK, TX
Themes in Supervisor Credentials The MFT license is a qualifying credential in 46 states, 3 mention only AAMFT Approved Supervisor (A/S), 1 accepts any mental health (MH) license, 1 accepts any MH license and qualifying experiences Broad view: 35 states accept multiple MH degrees or licenses for credentialing, 16 states mention only MFT or AAMFT A/S or AAMFT supervisor in training (AL, AK, GA, KY, LA, MN, MS, NC, ND, OK, RI, SC, SD, TN, TX, UT) 16 states accept AAMFT A/S as qualifying; another 16 states also accept AAMFT supervisor in training
More Themes in Supervision Credentials 15 states mention “good standing” or a similar status (no restrictions, etc.) Post-license experience as a qualifying credential: 2 yrs: 10 CA, HI, KA, LA, NH, OH, OK, UT, VA, WA 3 yrs: 13 AR, FL, IA, MD, MT, NE, NV, NM, ND, OR, SD, TX, VT 4 yrs: 4 AL, MI, MN, WY 5 yrs: 15 AK, GA, ID, IL, IN, KY, ME, MD, NJ, PN, RI, SC, DC, WV, WI Not clear: 9 AZ, CO, CT, DE MA, MI, NY, NC, TN Least complex?: 12 states: CT, MI, NY, HI, MA, SD, MT, NM, PN, DC, WI, WY Most rigorous?: 3 states: AL, GA, LA, MN
Supervisor Training in Supervision Graduate Course or Equivalent Hours of Training in Supervision (27 states) 15: ID, KS, MO, NE, WA 20: MT, UT, VA 24/25: MI (24), NC (25) 30: AL (+36 hrs. sup./sup.+180 hrs. sup.), IN, LA (+36 hrs. sup./sup.), OH, ME, MN, NH, ND 36: GA (+6/9 telehealth, +180 hrs. sup./sup.) 40: TX 45: AR (18 hrs. sup./sup.), GA (grad course+36 hrs. sup./sup.), MD (+6 hrs. MFT theories), OK (+30 hrs. sup./sup.), CEUs: NM=3, FL=4, AK=6, KY=6, AZ=12+Family Law, WV=ALPS training
Amount of Technologically Assisted Supervision Allowed [video, audio, electronic] Not identified: 26 states Percentage of hours: 0% CA, 25% SC, 50% AR, DE, SD, 75%: IA (50% on phone), OR Maximum hours: 25- LA, 50- MN(50%*), TX, 75- ME, OK (50%), 90- AZ (15 via phone), 100- ND Unlimited after 100 supervision hrs. (master)/50 sup. hrs. (doc) - KA Unlimited: AL (video), CO, FL, ID, MO, MS (video), NE (msp), NJ, OH, VA, DC (lpc sup.), WV, WY (video)
Titles of Supervisor’s License Not identified: 25 states Board approved supervisor: AL, GA, KS, MD, MN, MI, ND, SD, DC Approved supervisor: AK, KY, LA*, ME, MA, NE, OK, OR, WA Registered MFTS: ID, MO Qualified supervisor: FL, IN, NJ, WY MFT-Supervisor: AR, TX; Licensed MFT-Supervisor: SC, Approved professional supervisor: WV; Supervisor: OH; Licensed Supervisor: MS
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Discussion Contact Information Rick Bruhn (936) 294-1132 Lindsay McCarthy (936) 294-4148