Property Tax Increase due to Robertson Co. New Property Assessments WELCOME TO THE COOPERTOWN TOWN HALL MEETING TO DISCUSS THE TOWN’S Property Tax Increase due to Robertson Co. New Property Assessments The Town Still has Free A/C Units for Those in Need.
Meeting Overview o Final Year of 3-Year Pleasant View Volunteer Fire Department Fire Contract and the Future Contracts Road Repaving Program of 2018 Ordinance 2016-2017 Coopertown Certified Tax Rate Tax Year Comparisons 2016-2017, 2017-2018, and 2018-2019 The Implication of Robertson County New Assessment Values on the Town of Coopertown Revenue Increase Example of the Calculation for the Town of Coopertown Property Tax o o o o o o
AGENDA I. Introductions II. Meeting Rules III. Current Fire Contract TOWN HALL MEETING July 28, 2016 I. Introductions II. Meeting Rules III. Current Fire Contract IV. Road Repaving Program Town’s Tax Year Summary Robertson County New Property Assessment VII. Group Q & A VIII. Adjourn
Meeting Protocol So, let’s get started. I will provide an overview of the situation and then open the floor for questions. We have several people on the stage with special information on specific topics who will answer questions in their area of experience. o PLEASE Let me present the situation before you start asking questions. If you have a question write it down. When we get to the Question and Answer portion of the meeting PLEASE, one person speaks at a time. We will get to all questions no matter how long it takes. The issue in front of us is serious, no doubt. However, for the Town to survive and the citizens get the services they want, we must face this funding issue. So, let’s get started.
2018 $185,347.00 2019 $189,053.94 2020 $192,835.02 2021 $196,691.72 2022 $200,625.55 2023 $204,638.06 2024 $208,730.83 2025 $212,905.44 2026 $217,163.55 2027 $221,506.82 2028 $225,936.96 2029 $230,455.70 2030 $235,064.81 2031 $239,766.11 2032 $244,561.43 2033 $249,452.66 2034 $254,441.71 2035 $259,530.55 2036 $264,721.16 2037 $270,015.58 2038 $275,415.89 2039 $280,924.21 2040 $286,542.69
Road Repaving Contract for 2.3 Miles - $164, 871 COMPLETED 5/18/18
COMPLETED 5/17/18 Total Spent – $65,726.18
Repaving to Start After 7/1/18 Balance to be Spent $99,144.82
Repaving to Start After 7/1/18
Repaving to Start After 7/1/18
2016 and 2017 Property Tax Revenue Allocation: Pleasant View FD Contract 71.4% $227,192 Road Repaving 28.6% $ 91,004 Proposed 2018 Property Tax Revenue Allocation: Pleasant View FD Contract 59.7% $227,253 Road Repaving 40.3% $ 153,406 The Extra Revenue Means Repaving Roads Every Year VS. Every Other Year.
Two Examples: 1. $250,000 home in a subdivision, and 2. $250,000 home on 100 acres Example 1 2017 Tax Year: $250,000 Home x .25 assessment rate = $62,500 assessed value $62,500 assessed value/100 = $625 $625 x .35 assessment rate = $218.75/year 2018 Tax Year: $291,000 Home x .25 assessment rate = $72,725 assessed value $72,750 assessed value/100 = $727.50 $727.50 x .35 assessment rate = $254.63/year Total Annual Increase = $35.88
Example 2 2017 Tax Year: $250,000 Home tax = $218.75/year 100 acres in Green Belt. Property value = $340,000 Green Belt gives the tax value at $340,000 / 3 = $113,333 $113,333 x .25 = $28,333.25 assessed value $28,333.25/100 = $283.33 x .35 = $99.17 Total Tax Bill = $218.75 + $99.17 = $317.92 2018 Tax Year: $291,000 Home tax = $254.63/year 100 acres in Green Belt. Property value = $395,760 Green Belt gives the tax value at $395,760 / 3 = $131,920 $131,920 x .25 = $32,980 assessed value $32,980/100 = $329.80 x .35 = $115.43 Total Tax Bill = $254.63 + $115.43 = $370.06 Total Annual Increase = $52.14
Tracking the Robertson County Commissioners – “Fillies” CONCLUSION: 14 COMMISSIONERS ARE RUNNING UN-OPPOSED (58.3%) How Will They Vote ?