The Ups and Downs of Peter JOHN 18:1-27
Ups Downs He decided to leave everything and follow Jesus Allowed Jesus to use his property Walked on water First of Jesus’ disciples to proclaim him Messiah the church built on his profession Lost faith while walking on water Rebuked Jesus for saying He must die Jesus said “Satan get behind me” Didn’t understand the dynamics of the Kingdom at times Bickered with the other disciples
Ups Downs One of three present at the healing of Jairus' daughter the transfiguration the Garden of Gethsemane Attempted to defend Christ Followed Jesus upon arrest close enough to see Him Refused to let Jesus wash his feet Is found sleeping three times in the Garden of Gethsemane Cut off the ear of Malchus Followed not too close to be seen with Jesus
Ups Downs “Even if I have to die with you, I will never disown you.” Sprinted to the tomb to see Jesus risen Jumped out of the boat + swam to Jesus Reinstated by Jesus Preached boldly on Day of Pentecost -- 3,000 converts Lied and denied Christ three times When Peter was not close to Jesus he made poor decisions and was fearful
Ups Downs Incredible miracles performed by Peter Leader + spokesman of the Apostles The first to bring the Gospel to Gentiles Mentioned most, 2nd only to Jesus Wrote at least two books of the Bible Martyred for Jesus Rebuked by Paul for being a hypocrite
"The contrast between Peter of the gospels-impulsive, not steadfast, slow of heart to understand the mysteries of the kingdom-and the same apostle as he meets us in the Acts, firm and courageous, ready to go to prison and to death, the preacher of the faith, the interpreter of Scripture, is one of the most convincing proofs of the power of Christ's resurrection and the mighty working of the Pentecostal gift" --E. H. Plumptre
Peter did more for the kingdom after his fall than before
Peter was sure that he would never do what he did. 1 Corinthians 10:12 “If you think you are strong, you should be careful not to fall.” Jesus stands not only ready to forgive, but also to restore.
Be prepared for God to be honest with you. If we are going to be restored then we must be honest about our spiritual condition. Be prepared for God to be honest with you. “And he that sat upon the throne said, Behold, I make all things new...” (Revelation 21:5)