Agenda point 1 Commission activities Agenda point 2 CIS activities


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Presentation transcript:

Agenda point 1 Commission activities Agenda point 2 CIS activities Water Directors meeting Segovia, 27-28 May 2010 Jorge Rodriguez Romero WFD Team Coordinator DG Environment, European Commission

Contents Agenda point 1 – Commission activities Information notes a – RBMP adoption and reporting, legal issues b – Phosphates in detergents e – EU Strategy for the Danube Region Agenda point 2 – CIS progress & batch endorsement c – Priority Substances – Revision Directive d – Priority Substances – Mixing zones guidance f – CIS process – Organisational issues g – Intercalibration state of play Documents for batch endorsement

a - River Basin Management Plans State of play - 27 May 2010 Reminder of deadlines : 22.3.2008 : start of consultations draft RBMP 22.12.2009 : publication of RBMP 22.3.2010 : Reporting to the Commission Published : AT, BG, CZ, DE, EE, FI, FR, HU, IT, LU, LV, NL, SE, SK, UK Adopted and not yet published : IE, PL, RO + NO Consultation status : Member States consultations still ongoing : DK, SI, LT, CY, MT Partial consultation : BE (1 out of 4), ES (19 out of 24) not started Not yet started: EL, PT 3

a - State of play RBMP adoption and WISE reporting MS RBMP adopted WISE reporting RBMP reported XML GIS AT J L ES MT BE K FI NL BG FR PL CY HU PT CZ IE RO DE IT SE DK LT SI EE LU SK EL LV UK NOTES: Status: 26/05/2010 The column “RBMP adopted” reflects the contents of DG Environment’s web page: GREEN - River Basin Management Plans adopted! YELLOW - consultations finalised, but awaiting adoption. RED - consultation have not started or ongoing. The WISE reporting columns reflect if largely complete (green), partial (yellow) or no reporting (red) has been done on the three parts expected: - Copies of the RBMP and PoM XML files GIS files If the plan has not been yet been finalised and adopted it is assumed that the information submitted in WISE reflects draft plans.

b – Phosphates in detergents Commission DG Enterprise has been working over the past 2 years in evaluating the need for further legislation about P in detergents The impact assessment has been concluded. It assesses 5 options: No action at EU level, leaving it to MS Voluntary action by industry Total ban of phosphates in detergents Restriction of phosphates in laundry detergents Setting limit values for the content of P in detergents The draft impact assessment report concludes that option 4 is the preferred one Commission proposal is expected in autumn, then subject to co-decision in Council and Parliament

e – Danube Strategy European Commission prepares EU strategy for the Danube Region before the end of 2010 Strategy is centered around 3 pillars: connectivity (transport and energy), environment and socio-economic issues No new funding, no new legislation, no new institutions Consultation via internet and series of public events – until June 2010 More information: 6

Contents Agenda point 1 – Commission activities Information notes a – RBMP adoption and reporting, legal issues b – Phosphates in detergents e – EU Strategy for the Danube Region Agenda point 2 – CIS progress & batch endorsement c – Priority Substances – Revision Directive d – Priority Substances – Mixing zones guidance f – CIS process – Organisational issues g – Intercalibration state of play Documents for batch endorsement

c - Priority substances – new proposal Annex III EQS Directive, POPs, REACH, PBTs EQS setting +2000 subst. ~80 subst. Modelling-based ranking Selection of 30-50 substances to prepare individual dossiers +1000 subst. ~40 subst. Expert review by EG (17-18 May) Monitoring-based ranking Preparation of dossiers (COM and MS) Proposal of 16 (+3) substances Risk assessments chemicals, pesticides, biocides ~200 subst. Impact assessment, assessment of control measures, etc 2007-2009 Jan 2010 Feb-Apr 2010 May-Oct 2010 Commission proposal expected early 2011 WG E (24-25 June) will be considering these results EQS derivation for proposed PS during early summer EQS review for existing PS during early summer taking account of questionnaire inputs from MS Impact assessment study underway Requests to Water Directors: note state of play and continue to provide resources at expert level to support EQS work

c - Substances proposed for EQS derivation Lead on dossier Type Methyl 5-(2,4-dichlorophenoxy)-2-nitrobenzoate (Bifenox) COM Pesticide Terbutryn DE Pesticide/Biocide Cybutryne (Irgarol®) SE Biocide Cypermethrin NL Dichlorvos Heptachlor/Heptachlor epoxide Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) FR (ex) industrial compound Dioxin (2,3,7,8 - Tetrachlorodibenzo-p dioxin,TCDD) IT Combustion/industrial by-product Perfluorooctane sulfonic acid and its salts (PFOS) and perfluorooctane sulfonyl fluoride UK Industrial compound Substance Lead on dossier Type 1,2,5,6,9,10-Hexabromo- cyclododecane (HBCDD)/ 1,3,5,7,9,11-Hexabromo- cyclododecane (HBCDD) SE Industrial compound/ flame retardant Quinoxyfen COM Pesticide Dicofol Cyanides Industrial com- pound/biocide Aclonifen Diclofenac DE Pharmaceutical 17alpha-ethinylestradiol Zinc UK Metal Ibuprofen DE Pharmaceutical 17 beta-estradiol COM

d – Priority Substances – Mixing zones guidance Mandate agreed by Water Directors in November 2008 Based on the requirement in art. 4 of EQS Directive to develop guidelines through the WFD Committee A Drafting Group was set up lead by UK and NL Final draft delivered by DG and agreed by WGE was presented to the SCG in May Some concerns remain and further written comments were collected A new version will be distributed to the WFD Committee to be discussed and possibly voted in September Translation and publication will then follow 10

Update of nominations for all CIS activities New SCG members f – CIS process Update of nominations for all CIS activities New SCG members Eurometaux Shellfish producers (EMPA) Aquaculture industry (FEAP) Overview of all organisations in the CIS annexed to the information note Improvements to CIRCA, SCG meetings, etc 11

g – Intercalibration: state of play Intercalibration phase 1 – 2004-2007 completed but significant gaps in biological quality elements and some water categories mainly due to the lack of development of WFD compliant assessment methods Intercalibration phase 2 – 2008-2011 very tight time schedule until June 2011 serious delays in some GIGs concern that intercalibration in phase 2 will remain largely incomplete Requests to WD take note of state of play of intercalibration phase 2 help secure the necessary human resources and financial support to successfully complete this exercise by June 2011 12

The Water Directors are invited to Take note of the information provided For the preparation of the Commission proposal on priority substances - continue to make available resources at the expert level during 2010 to support the work on derivation/review of EQS values For intercalibration phase 2 - help secure the necessary human resources and financial support to successfully complete this exercise by June 2011 Endorse the following documents Intercalibration guidance: Annexes III and VI Guidance on Risk Assessment and the Use of Conceptual Models for Groundwater Guidance on Sediment and Biota Monitoring Mandate on priority substances inventory guidance Mandate on River Basin network on WFD & agriculture