Lesson Objectives By the end of the lesson students will be able to Categorize wood work hand tools Identify wood work hand tools State the uses of wood work hand tools.
WOOD WORK Wood work deals with the construction of wooden items, wood work could be carpentry, joinery, or furniture making. The processes of making wooden structures and articles from wood require the skilful handling and usage of hand tools designed for each and every production process.
WOOD WORK HAND TOOLS Wood work hand tools are required for easy, fast accurate and neat wood work project hand tools are required. The wood hand tools are categorized under the following Setting out and marking out tools Measuring tools Driving tools Boring tools Cutting and paring tools Holding devices
Measuring tools These are tools used to take accurate measurement in wood work. The following are example of measuring tools Metric rules : steel tape and steel rule for linear measurement Outside callipers: used to measure outside diameter of a circular object Inside callipers: used to measure inside diameter of a circular objects A pair of divider: for drawing arcs and to transfer measurement.
Measuring tape out side and inside calipers Steel ruler Pair of dividers
Evaluation 1 What is measuring tool? Identify the measuring tools below and state their uses. a. b.
Setting and marking out tools After measurement is completed the next process is setting out of different wooden parts. The following tools are used. Try square: Consist of a stock and blade fixed at angle 90 used for marking and testing angle 90 Sliding bevel: Consist of a stock and sliding bevel with adjust able screw. For marking angle 0 degree to 180 degree Mitre square: it is just like the try square except that the blade and stock are fixed together at angle 45 degree. Used for making angle 45 degree. Pair of compasses: it has two pointed legs . Used for marking arcs and circles Trammels: consist of straight edges for marking larger circles Marking knife: it has a steel blade with wooden/plastic handle. Used for cutting thin sheet of wood, veneer, Formica etc and for marking lines Marking gauge: it is made from hard wood. Used for out parallel lines Mortise gauge: similar to marking gauge but with two marking pins or scribing pins, it is used for marking out lines for mortise and tenon Plum bob: it is a weight with a ported tip on the base or bottom. It is suspended with the aid of a string. It is also called plummet. It is used for testing uprightness of work that is been fixed
Try square Sliding bevel Mitre Square Pair of compass Trammel marking gauge
Mortise gauge marking knife plum bob
Evaluation 2 ……………… Consist of a stock and blade fixed at angle 90 used for marking and testing angle 90 ………………Consist of a stock and sliding bevel with adjust able screw. For marking angles from 0 degree to 180 degree Mitre square is just like the try square except that the blade and stock are fixed together at angle …………. Used for making angle …………... Pair of compasses: it has two pointed legs . Used for …………………… …………………… consist of straight edges for marking larger circles
Driving Tools They called percussion tools they are used for striking nails, chisels, gouges punches and drive screw into wood. Examples of driving tools are Hammers: claw or Warrington hammers Mallets: for striking chisel and gouges Screw drivers: types (flat screwdriver, star screw driver, Allen screw driver) Nail punch Spanner pincer
Claw hammer Warrington hammer Mallets Nail punch Pincer
Spanner off set screw driver Allen key flat screw driver
Evaluation 3 State the uses of the following Hammers Mallets Screw drivers Nail punch Spanner pincer
Boring tools Boring is the process of making cylindrical holes in wood. The various tools used by wood workers to make hole in wood are: Brace and bits: types (wood brace and ratchet brace) Bits :the bits are the tools fixed into braces for boring. The following are the various types of bits used in wood work. Centre bits: used for boring shallow and deep hole through thin wood Twist bits: for cutting deep and through hole in wood both at surface and end grains Rose countersink: used for counter sink in wood to receive counter sink headed screw Snail bits: used in hard wood for countersinking of screw heads. It has a conical head. Shell bits: used to bore hole in wood that do not require much finish. It has a hollow stem with sharp cutting edges
Centre drill twist drill rose counter sunk 2 Centre drill twist drill rose counter sunk 2. Bradawl: used for boring small screw or nail holes in wood
3. Gimlet: used to bore small hole in wood for easy screwing and nailing.
Evaluation 4 What is a boring tool? List any two boring tool. Identify the following boring a. b.