A New Way to Buy… Update September 14, 2014
The Shopper Role Catalog vendors (hosted and punch out) Place items in a cart and assign to a requester or requester+ Cost center if known Invoice approval (when cart originator)
The Requester Role Catalog shopping (hosted & punch out) All forms (non-catalog, check request, etc.) Change/add cost centers on assigned carts Cart routes through approvals Invoices routed for Approval (when Requester is the cart originator)
The Requester+ Role Catalog shopping (hosted & punch out) All forms (non-catalog, check request, etc.) Change/add cost centers on assigned carts Self-approval up to $4,999.99 Invoice Approval (when cart originator)
The Approver Role Accuracy Allowable/business purpose Consistent with University policies and procedures Second set of eyes Cannot be requester and approver