Mrs. Yanac HS Room 222 Anatomy & Physiology Mrs. Yanac HS Room 222 You may sit at any desk you choose (NO TABLES) Please take the papers from the 1st table Syllabus Who are you survey & Index Card Pre-Test Self-Evaluation Please take a deep breath & relax…This is going to be a great year !
The Big Idea We will examine the STRUCTURES & FUNCTIONS of the human body from CELLULAR through the ORGAN SYSTEMS & how they WORK TOGETHER to maintain balance within the body Since YOU are a human being, it is relevant to know how your body works in order to make essential choices during your life time.
Major Topics Intro & Body Orientation Histology Organ Systems Immune/Lymphatic Respiratory Integumentary Endocrine Skeletal Urinary Muscular Reproductive Nervous Cardiovascular Digestive
Supplies: Folder or Binder Notebook optional Writing utensil For handouts & workbooks Notebook optional Lectures are available on website & printouts will be provided, notebooks might be handy Writing utensil Pen or pencil everyday Colored pens/pencils Classroom set is available Textbook & Human Atlas Not enough for every student, may be signed out Online resources available
Grading: Classwork/Homework*- 30% Quizzes/Tests/Exams - 20% Labs/Projects - 20% Attendance/Participation** - 20% Movie questions/Reflections – 10% Extra credit will be available *Homework will consist of what you did not finish in class or enrichment/extra credit work. **PDN notebooks will count as a participation grade, if absent then you should check the board to see what you missed.
Routines: PDNs (Please Do Now) Word of the Day – for your benefit, not a grade Objectives & Activities - what you will be learning & what we will be doing each day will be written on the board. Get in the habit of checking the board BEFORE asking what we are doing! FYI Board – I will post PDNs and Daily Agenda from previous day for those who miss class, then into a binder. No Name papers will be posted as well (- 5 pts)
Policies: Bathroom breaks: Food & drinks Cell phones Sign out & take class pass & fill out back Do not abuse!!!! Food & drinks No picnics in class Cell phones Keep them in your pockets or purses unless using for education purposes Headphones/Earbuds Only allowed when working independently, not when I am teaching. I will ask you to remove them once, and second time, I will take your phone.
Class Time In-Class time will consist of the following: Lecture/Discussion Group/Independent work Quizzes, Test, & Exams (corrections/retests) Computer Activities Case Studies, Presentations, Labs Videos & Movies I will be planning 2 field trips Mutter Museum – Philadelphia ($50) Cadaver Lab @ Misericordia ($10-20 for lunch)** If they have it open this semester
How to ACHIEVE in Mrs. Yanac’s Class: Always be respectful. Come prepared for class. Have a positive attitude & an open mind. Invest time & effort into your work. Establish goals & strive to reach them. Voice your opinions & thoughts politely. Expect the best from yourself.
Words of Wisdom "The difference between a successful person and others is not a lack of strength, not a lack of knowledge, but rather in a lack of will.“ ~ Vincent J. Lombardi "No one can cheat you out of ultimate success but yourself." ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson "Eighty percent of success is showing up." ~ Woody Allen
Final Notes YOU will get out what YOU put into this class. All I ask is that you TRY, I will help everyone to succeed, but I can’t help those who do not do their part. I hope you find the class interesting and enjoy coming here each day. I will do my best to make each lesson interesting and relevant. Believe in yourself and don’t be afraid to ask for help. Thank you for taking this journey with me…Let’s get this party started!
Your First Assignment For Tomorrow: Think of a cartoon character that you might like to represent your class’s stuff. We will vote on one and it will be your class character Think of 3 questions that you have always wondered about the human body. You will be researching them over the next 2 days and presenting your findings to the class. If you get stuck, look at the suggestion sheet.