Polyculture Polyculture is a form of agriculture in which more than one species is grown at the same time and place in imitation of the diversity of natural ecosystems. Polyculture is the opposite of monoculture, in which only members of one plant or animal species are cultivated together.
Fun Facts Studies show that three crops planted together can yield more varied nutritive contents and can also reduce weeds and pests. A well-known example of historic polyculture is the intercropping of maize, bean, and squash plants in a group often referred to as "the three sisters" Polyculture has traditionally been the most prevalent form of agriculture in most parts of the world and is growing in popularity today due to its environmental and health benefits.
Advantages of Polyculture In polyculture, one piece of land is devoted to more than one crop in polyculture farming. Although, with polyculture, a farmer can have the same yield of crops as well as a more efficient irrigation system on a smaller piece of land. Reduces the number of pests, weeds, and disease outbreaks due to increased variety of plants. Natural resources can be used more efficiently such as water and electricity. Animal wastes can be used as fertilizers and manure for crops. The cattle or other farm animals can be used to reduce weeds by feeding on them. saving money and time, and also reduces greenhouse gases. Results in a more stable and consistent income for the farmers as they don't have to depend on just one type of production. Having this ability can act as a cushion during the impact of low production days or low prices. Plants that grow near to other plants have a greater and stronger immunity, and fight off the bacteria faster than the plants in monoculture fields.
Disadvantages of Polyculture As more than one type of plant is produced in a farm, it becomes difficult for the farmers to control and supervise farm activities. Farmers are knowledgeable about their plants if they are planting diverse crops Planning and planting a polyculture a field can be tedious May result in higher investment in specific equipment to improve the infrastructure of the land