State Shelter Taskforce Tools, Tips and What’s Next
State Shelter Taskforce Purpose To develop guidelines that provide a framework for the counties, state and sheltering partners in opening and operating disaster shelters in a consistent manner across the state. The guidelines will describe resource management, reporting, reimbursement and requesting mutual aid, state or EMAC staff.
Taskforce Objectives Statewide Guide for Sheltering Applicable Statutes and Regulations Shelter staffing requirements Pets Functional Needs and IDD Training Requirements, Facility Requirements, Forms, Reporting
Who Should Be Involved Who Should Be Involved In Your Shelter Planning Emergency Management Social Services Public Health and EMS Mental Health Animal Services LEO/Security Amateur Radio National Guard
Other Considerations Needs to tie back to the CRES Taskforce has three local EMs representing each branch NCEM - Steve Powers, Todd Brown, Abby Cameron, Wendy Pulley, Robin Dail and Keith Acree State and local shelter partners: Public Health, Social Services, NC Ag, Mental Health, NCNG, Red Cross
Shelter Resources in WebEOC* Concept of Operations Authorities Purpose Shelter Typing Staffing Matrix Training Requirements Reporting Sheltering 101 Who makes the decision Legal Considerations Site Selection Access & Functional Needs Reimbursement Resources
Shelter Resources in WebEOC* Feeding 101 MOU template between County DSS and DHHS Email sent to all County DSS Directors Re: shelter training Red Cross shelter training contacts by county NC Shelter Interpreters SOG Instructions on taking Red Cross shelter training * North Carolina Shelter Taskforce in File Library
What’s Next? NCEM Human Services Manager will reconvene State Shelter Taskforce in January 2019
Florence & Michael Lessons Observed Communications (Hardware and Relational) Structural evaluation Triggers for shelter opening Expansion and Overflow Shelter Management (who will manage shelter?) Shelter Staffing (shelter workers, nurses, security) Shelter Feeding Plan (who and where) Logistics (Water, Cots, Narcan, Fuel) Long Term Sheltering
Florence & Michael Lessons Observed Post-Storm Home Evaluations Other Medical Support Shelters Evacuating Assisted Living/Memory Care/Group Home Sex Offenders Exotic Pets Pre-Disaster Homeless Transportation CRES (review, rewrite, expand)
Norman Bryson, Onslow County Norman. Bryson@OnslowCountyNC Norman Bryson, Onslow County (910)347-4270 Brent Fisher, Nash County (252)459-1204 Karyn Yaussy, Catawba County (828)465-8989