Behind the scenes: software programming Ashley Juniewicz
Why is programming important? Customize computer to your needs Troubleshoot issues on your own Programming leads to innovation Ashley Juniewicz
Ashley Juniewicz
System Development Life Cycle The organized process used in developing an information system Makes the process more universal Less opportunity for errors Fewer bugs More efficient across networks Ashley Juniewicz
Six Steps of SDLC Problem/opportunity identification Analysis Taking advantage of an opportunity, correcting an existing error, making existing processes more efficient, etc. Analysis Explore need in depth; create program specification clear statement of goals and objectives of the project Feasibility assessment Can this happen? Define user requirements & recommend plan of action Ashley Juniewicz
Six Steps cont. Design Development Generate detailed plan for programmers to follow Uses flowcharts, data-flow diagrams Details software, inputs/outputs, backups/controls, and processing requirements Evaluate existing software packages to determine if what they need exists or if they need to make something new Development Actual programming takes place Technical writers begin documentation work Data Flow Diagram – tracks data from data entrance to storage Ashley Juniewicz
Six Steps cont. Testing and Installation Maintenance and Evaluation Ensure program works properly Install for official use Maintenance and Evaluation Performance is monitored (is program meeting needs?) New errors are corrected Updates and enhancements are made Ashley Juniewicz
Programming What is programming? The process of translating a task into a series of commands that a computer will use to perform that task Involves identifying which parts of a task the computer can perform, describing those tasks in a highly specific and complete manner, and translating the description into a language the CPU can interpret Ashley Juniewicz
Program Life Cycle Describing the problem Making a plan Coding Develop a complete description of the problem Identify task to be automated, describe how software will behave Making a plan Translate problem statement into a set of specific steps that describe what the program will do to complete the work Also known as an algorithm Coding Translate algorithm into programming code Must take into consideration what the CPU can do when creating this code Ashley Juniewicz
Program Life Cycle cont. Debugging Programmers repair errors found in code Testing and Documentation Software is tested by programming team and users Results are documented Ashley Juniewicz
Programming Languages First-generation language (1GL) Actual machine language of CPU Ex. Binary code Second-generation language (2GL) Aka assembly language Use actual words that speak to CPU Gives programmer direct control of hardware Third-generation language (3GL) Use symbols and commands to help programmers tell computer what to do Examples: FORTRAN, BASIC, Java Fourth-generation language (4GL) Include database query languages and report generators More powerful commands more complex work done Ashley Juniewicz
Programming Languages cont. Structured query language Database programming language Technically a 4GL Fifth-generation language (5GL) Problem is presented as a series of facts, not an algorithm Languages apply systems of logic rather than following specific algorithms Ashley Juniewicz