Dallas county promise What is it?
Dallas county promise Covers the gap between financial aid and the cost of TUITION for up to three years or associate degree completion (whichever comes first) at any Dallas County Community College and a SUCCESS COACH.
Three steps to receive tuition promise & success coach Pledge and Apply Opens October 1st due by February 8th: Make your Promise Pledge at: www.DallasCountyPromise.org Your pledge is only complete once you see a submission confirmation Complete application to Promise Partner College through ApplyTX or college’s admissions application.
Three steps to receive tuition promise & success coach Submit: By March 8, 2019 Submit Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) or Texas Application for State Financial Aid (TASFA) and list Promise Partner College. Enroll: by July 31, 2019 Complete Promise Partner College Registration for Fall Semester
Dallas county promise fast facts Big Things to Know for Promise High Schools: No income or GPA requirements. No essays. Non-negotiable deadlines. Non-Citizens must meet Texas residency requirements. Promise students will automatically receive Rising Star book stipend and in- person Rising Star advisor if GPA above 2.5 & financial need. BUT this means students who miss any of the Promise deadlines are ineligible for Rising Star.
UNT Dallas and smu Provide transfer scholarships for promise scholars Provides Dallas County Promise scholars with 2.0 GPA an opportunity to continue their Promise scholarship of free tuition through the completion of a bachelor’s degree. Students graduating HS with an Associate degree are eligible for tuition scholarship direct to UNT Dallas. SMU (Southern Methodist University) Offers Mustang scholarship for 1st year enrollment and a Mustang Transfer Scholarship for select Dallas County Promise students. A merit and need based scholarship opportunity to attend SMU. Application due January 15th of Senior year of HS.
What to expect September October Students will be informed during Senior Assembly about the Dallas County Promise Counselors will meet with all seniors October Counselors will meet with seniors to have them sign the Dallas County Promise Pledge Friday October 5th, 2018: 8:30 AM – 4:00 PM Parent Teacher Conference Day Assistance with completing FAFSA, Dallas County Pledge