Strategic Plan Update
Our Mission The Dr. H. Bliss Murphy Cancer Care Foundation is a provincial organization supporting excellence in cancer care for families in Newfoundland and Labrador. We support the Cancer Care Program of Eastern Health which includes the Dr. H. Bliss Murphy Cancer Centre, Cancer Centre Gander, Cancer Centre Grand Falls-Windsor, Cancer Centre Corner Brook and 13 regional chemotherapy program across Newfoundland and Labrador.
Background on Strategic Plan Commissioned by the Board through RBR Development in 2014; Covers a five year period from 2015-2020; Included stakeholder and donor interviews; Board Self-Survey.
Strategic Objective #1 To grow a presence in the Western Region in preparation for expanded cancer program that will be established there.
Strategic Objective #1 Outcomes Product of political climate at the time; New hospital has been delayed; Recent Public Call for Proposals on a Public/Private Partnership Build; Recruitment of a Board Member from Western.
Strategic Objective #2 To have a higher level of awareness throughout the province through a renewed marketing effort.
Strategic Objective #2 Outcomes Making More Possible; Regular Donor Newsletter Implemented (2x a year); Email Marketing; - Donation forms and data entry optimized to capture more electronic information – 13,000 email addresses of donors on file for e-marketing;
Strategic Objective #2 Outcomes cont. Comprehensive Social Media Communications - Facebook Growth 19,000+ followers Janeway Foundation - 15K Ronald McDonald House - 15k Children’s Wish NL - 6K Healthcare Foundation – 2K Twitter Instagram Development Officer responsible for Communications has completed Social Media Training at the Gardiner Institute.
Strategic Objective #2 Outcomes cont. New website launched in 2018; New online giving software introduced in 2017 – more seamless importation of data.
Strategic Objective #2 Future Planning In This Together Campaign – designed to lift the brand of DHBMCCF in the market; New online giving software introduced in 2017 – more seamless importation of data.
Strategic Objective #3 To establish and stage an annual Signature Event for all cancers i.e.. Mission Driven Case for Support, in the four major market areas of the province.
Strategic Objective #3 Outcomes Creation and Execution of Polka Dot Trot; 500k raised in two years; strategic plan goal was 100k in year one; Two walk sites in the province: St. John’s and Central Newfoundland.
Strategic Objective #3 Future Planning 3rd Walk location in Western Newfoundland for 2019; Committee leadership transitions; Work to do to further engage Cancer Care Program employees.
Strategic Objective #4 To have a proactive staffed Planned Giving Program in place with a reasonable number of identified expectancies.
Strategic Objective #4 Outcomes Planned Giving messaging now regularly featured in Donor Newsletter; Both the Senior Development Officer and Development Officer have completed the Canadian Association of Gift Planning Course; Policy and forms developed to facilitate planned gifts such as Gifts of Securities;
Strategic Objective #4 Future Planning Executive Director to complete the Advanced Gift Planning Course through CAGP; In discussions with Harvey McKinnon and Associates to do our first targeted Planned Giving Mailout to prospects in 2019.
Strategic Objective #5 To have an established Major Gift program as part of the Annual Fund.
Strategic Objective #5 Outcomes Began to incorporate more Grant Writing Avon Foundation Bell Let’s Talk Provincial Government United Way Monte Carlo (MUN Med)
Strategic Objective #5 Partnership with Prostate Cancer Canada - Wake Up Call Breakfast
Strategic Objective #5 Future Planning Work left to do on identifying prospects in the $10,000 - $50,000 range on a more regular basis; Renewed effort on grant writing; Stewardship event for long-time donors; Installation of a Donor Wall for the Foundation.
Strategic Objective #6 To maintain excellence in Board Governance.
Strategic Objective #6 Outcomes Implemented a Board Orientation Manuel; The Board has spent the last 18 months reviewing all Policies and Procedures of the Foundation; Executive Director has completed the Institute of Corporate Directors (ICD) Not for Profit Government Essentials Program; Implementation of a Nominations Committee CRA Audit.
Strategic Objective #7 To Grow the Patient and Family Support Fund.
Strategic Objective #7 Outcomes Increase in community events for the Fund i.e.. Power to Hope, Breakfast at Tiffany’s, Sing for Care etc.; Grant writing Aeroplan Mile program and partnerships like the Smiling Land Foundation; Revised Application Process that has created more comprehensive statistics; Impact Report to Donors of the Fund.
Strategic Objective #7 Future Planning Video Case for Support; Need to build more support in rural NL for the program i.e.. local service clubs etc.; Refresh on the research around Financial Impact of a Cancer Diagnosis.
Planning for 2019 In This Together Campaign Cancer Transitions Patient Passport Relaunch The Power of Life Project Refresh and Employee Giving Campaign Cancer Centre Corner Brook Start the process of a new Strategic Plan
Follow Us On: Dr. H. Bliss Murphy Cancer Care Foundation @cancercarefdn Dr. H. Bliss Murphy Cancer Care Foundation cancercarefdn