Presented by Trevor Johnson OCGA New F&A Rate Agreement Presented by Trevor Johnson OCGA
New RESEARCH Rates – On-campus Fiscal Year Dates Rate 2018 7/1/17-6/30/18 56% 2019 7/1/18-6/30/19 57% 2020 7/1/19-6/30/20 57.5% 2021 7/1/20-6/30/21 2022 7/1/21-6/30/22 58%
Important Dates You should start using the new rates now on all new proposals SPO Offices will start enforcing the new rates January 3, 2018 Increase each fiscal year State fiscal year 7/1-6/30 Not the Federal fiscal year 10/1/-9/30 Fiscal year notes the year the period ends, not the year it begins – 7/1/17-6/30/18 = FY18
When to Use To be used for all federal proposals (grant, contract, clinical trial, flow-through) Used for all other sponsors that use the federally negotiated rate – Industry Competitive proposals (new proposals, supplements, competitive segments) Not used for existing awards or non-competitive segments Some agencies may allow for adjustment at JIT for existing proposals
Other Rates Off-campus rate remains the same (26%) Other federal rates (Instruction, Other Sponsored Activity, and SIO specific rates): Continue using the existing rates New rates will be posted when finalized – expected increases to each Does not change the Clinical Trials or State of California rates
Split Rates When a budget year covers two fiscal years Example – two year budget with period of performance of 4/1/18 – 3/31/20 Year 1 Period of performance: 4/1/18-3/31/19 3 months in FY18 (56%) 9 months in FY19 (57%) MTDC = $120,000 $10,000 per month $30,000 * 56% = $16,800 $90,000 * 57% = $51,300 Total IDC for Year 1 = $68,100 Year 2 Period of performance 4/1/19-3/31/20 3 months in FY19 (57%) 9 months in FY20 (57.5%) MTDC = $120,000 $10,000 per month $30,000 * 57% = $17,100 $90,000 * 57.5% = $51,750 Total IDC for Year 1 = $68,850 For purposes of calculating a split IDC, assume the month starts on the 1st.
Questions from Sponsors Please direct questions from sponsors to your SPO office Until we have a signed agreement they will question the rates On proposals: Date effective: 10/27/17 Contact: Janet Turner at DHHS Cost Allocation Services, Western Field Office, 415-437-7859 or
Resources Under development Blink IDC Page: New rates proposals/proposal- development/budgets/indirect.html New rates Suggested Budget Justification language Under development Split rate guidance Updated budget worksheets