English 3 Unit: Fahrenheit 451 Unit 2: Day 2 English 3 Unit: Fahrenheit 451
Write to the following prompt: Bellringer: Think about the kind of technology you possess. What is the most innovative product you own? (An Apple watch? A new cell phone or tablet? An energy efficient car?) How much do you rely on it? How do you think this product will improve or change in the future?
Agenda Warm-up: Journal #1 Complete Socratic Seminar Group 1: 15min Watch technology advances videos Home learning: create a product Exit ticket: write about your design
Socratic seminar: group a 10min.
Socratic seminar group b 10min.
Technology: DIRECTIONS: Watch the following videos. You will then choose one area of innovation. You will then create your own advertisement for it. Future of money payments: money.cnn.com/video/technology/2012/01/25/an_level_up_scvngr.cnnmoney/ Future transportation: money.cnn.com/video/technology/2011/10/11/ts_giro_car.cnnmoney/ Future kitchen technology: money.cnn.com/video/technology/2011/09/22/t_myhrvold_future_kitchen.cnnmoney/ Future Packaging/shipping: http://money.cnn.com/video/technology/2014/12/01/amazon- robots.cnnmoney/index.html
Exit ticket: Choose one area of innovation to research. Brainstorm the pros and cons of a particular innovation. How will life change for people as a result of this technology? What will be gained? What will be lost? Record your thoughts for your exit ticket. Tomorrow, during station work: You will then create a print advertisement for this new technology. Think about what makes an ad effective, and write down some examples. Use your brainstorming to help you create your advertisement.