Online Safety Assembly 2019
Social Media Age Restrictions Age: 18 (or 13 with Parents’ Permission) Age: 13 Age: 13
Online Games Age Restrictions Age: 7+ to 13+ Age: 7 Age: 12+ Age: 18+ Age: 17 Age: 16 Age: 18 Age: 18
PEGI – Pan European Game Information What do the labels mean? The PEGI labels appear on front and back of the packaging indicating one of the following age levels: 3, 7, 12, 16 and 18. They provide a reliable indication of the suitability of the game content in terms of protection of minors. The age rating does not take into account the difficulty level or skills required to play a game.
PEGI – Pan European Game Information The content is considered suitable for all year groups. Contains some possible frightening scenes. Shows violence towards human-looking characters or animals. Violence, more extreme bad language, use of tobacco and drugs and criminal activities. Violence that makes the viewer feel a sense of revulsion.
Examples of PEGI labels 36% of children at our school play this game. 48% of children at our school play this game. 9% of children at our school play this game.
Online Safety Questionnaire for Children – January 2019 91% of children said they have access to the internet. 59% of children said that someone at home discusses internet safety with them, 41% said not. 52% of children said that they are set rules for using the internet at home, 48% said there are no rules. 47% of children said their favourite thing to do online is to play games. 42% of children said they do not know how to use the privacy and security settings on their gaming devices. 66% of children said they feel safe online, 34% do not. 47% of children said they have a social media account – The most popular are Snapchat (13) and Instagram (13). 39% of these children said they do not know how to use the privacy and security settings.
Acceptable Use Policy – Written by the children at Ashbourne Primary School I will respect the school’s Acceptable Use Policy and the school’s devices. I will ask for permission before using the internet. I will keep my passwords private. I will not share my personal information online. I will only use websites my teacher has chosen. If I see any inappropriate content or receive inappropriate messages, I will tell an adult immediately. On the school server, I will use only my own file, which I will save my own work into. If I bring a mobile phone to school, I will hand it in to reception. I will ask for permission from an adult before downloading a game/app.
Acceptable Use Policy – Written by the children at Ashbourne Primary School I will make sure the privacy and security settings are switched on on my devices. I will ask for permission from an adult before using any device. I will only send kind messages to my friends. I will only share appropriate pictures and videos on the internet. I will only speak to my friends online and not people I don’t know. I will not play games that are not suitable for my age without my parents’ permission. I understand that age ratings are there for my safety. I understand that there will be consequences if I do not follow the Acceptable Use Policy.