STAT Genes Found in C. elegans by Xiangdong Liu, Anne Marie Quinn, Yue E. Chin, and Xin-Yuan Fu Science Volume 285(5425):167-167 July 9, 1999 Published by AAAS
Figure 1 Coiled-coil domains (A), DNA-binding domains (B), SH2 domains (C), and potential tyrosine phosphorylation sites (D) of human Stat5b, CE-STAT-A, and CE-STAT-B were aligned using MegAlign from the LaserGene program ( Coiled-coil domains (A), DNA-binding domains (B), SH2 domains (C), and potential tyrosine phosphorylation sites (D) of human Stat5b, CE-STAT-A, and CE-STAT-B were aligned using MegAlign from the LaserGene program ( Relative starting and ending positions of the four functional domains were selected in reference to those in human Stat1, which are defined by crystal structure (6). CE-STAT-B does not contain a coiled coil domain predicted with high probability. Amino acids that are identical in at least two sequences were shaded and functionally conserved residues between all STATs were boxed. Xiangdong Liu et al. Science 1999;285:167 Published by AAAS