Sherrod Parents “Our Children, Our Focus, Our Future” Welcome Sherrod Parents “Our Children, Our Focus, Our Future”
Good Things
Tonight’s event sponsored by: The Federal Government (Our tax dollars at work). Sherrod is a Title I school. Over 50% of our students are on free and reduced lunch. We receive federal $ to assist us with educating our students. Please pick up the Title I materials on your way out tonight.
My Disclaimer…
The EXCEL Model Engage eXplore Communicate Empower Launch
Engage: Be Present
Explore: Good Things and Needs Get your child talking. Ask questions. Skip this one: How was school today? Try: What is the best thing that happened today? Tell me something funny that happened to someone today. What was the best part about math today? How can I help?
Communication: Success of the Program We believe it’s all about relationships! Ratios of Interaction Growth Mindset Choices Coaching: we are here to help train, inspire, and encourage you. There are no wrong questions.
Capturing Kids Hearts Relationships Greetings, Good Things, Social Contracts, and the 4 Questions (for redirection): Behavior What are you doing? What are you supposed to be doing? Are you doing it? What are you going to do about it? Disrespect Who are you talking to? How are you supposed to talk to ____? Were you talking that way? How are you going to talk to ______?
Additional Programs at Sherrod: PBIS CHAMPS Positive Action
Empower: What kind of questions to ask you child? How can you make your home more calm, fun, and functional? What can we do to help? Think, pair, share Time Keeper Facilitator Recorder Affirmer
Title 1 at Sherrod Sherrod Elementary Parent Engagement Policy Through Title 1 the Federal government gives money to school districts around the country based on the percentage of students that qualify for free and reduced lunches. The purpose of Title 1 is help all students get an excellent education and meet academic standards. How are Title 1 funds used at Sherrod Elementary? Provide before and after school opportunities. Support parent engagement activities - STAR Tutor Program Purchase equipment and learning materials. Sherrod Elementary Parent Engagement Policy Review DRAFT 2017-2018 Parent Involvement Policy
Goals & Objectives of Title 1 All students should work toward the same high standards. Local districts, schools, and parents know best what their students need to succeed. Parents are partner's in helping all students achieve.
Explore: Needs Let’s go back to this: __________________________
Launch “You are either teaching them to act that way or you are just letting it happen.”