Before you leave, answer the question below Before you leave, answer the question below. If you need help, use the clues! If the clues don’t help, raise your hand. [Insert question or writing prompt here] Clue 1: [Insert clue; once in BBC, cover with a box] Clue 2: [Insert clue; once in BBC, cover with a box] Still unsure? Raise your hand and [name of teacher] will come to your room to help!
Before you leave, answer the question below Before you leave, answer the question below. If you need help, choose a breakout room(s) below to get assistance, then come back and write your answer here! [Insert question or writing prompt here] Need a little help? Try breakout room 1 or 2. Need more help? Try breakout room 3 or 4. Not sure where to start? Private chat [name of teacher] or raise your hand.