December 6, 2018 Do this in canvas. Do not forget to submit December 6, 2018 Do this in canvas. Do not forget to submit? What is this a picture of? Why did the Ancient Greeks have to do this type of farming?
Let students choose partners.
How did the people of Ancient Greece adapt to their physical environment?
6.G.1.4 Explain how and why civilizations, societies and regions have used, modified and adapted to their environments.
I can explain the different types of governments of Ancient Greece.
Essential Standard 6.C&G.1.1 Explain the origins and structures of various governmental systems.
Essential Question. How did government in Greece evolve from a monarchy to a democracy?
I can explain the three major governments of Ancient Egypt.
Study this we are going to play a kahoot. Three main governments of Ancient Greece were: democracy, oligarchy, and monarchy. Democracy: people get to vote Oligarchy: many ruled by a few people Monarchy: ruled by a king. He got power because of daddy. Sparta: was an oligarchy Most Ancient Greek city states were monarchies. Two most famous city states of Ancient Greece were: Sparta and Athens. Ancient Greece broke into city states because it was covered by mountains.
Play Kahoot.
Study this game board . Go to canvas for the gameboard.
Chosen by the people Ruled by a few Ancient Greek Governments Most Ancient Greek city states were this Chosen by the people Go back to start Go ahead 3 spaces. United States is this type of government Ancient Greek Governments 2 most famous Ancient Greek city states Ancient Greece was covered by this City that is also a nation Go back 3 spaces. Ruled by a few Get power because parents had it
oligarchy Ancient Greek Governments Monarchy democracy Go back to start democracy Ancient Greek Governments Athens and Sparta Mountains Go back 3 spaces. monarchy monarchy City-state oligarchy
Now go sit with your partner
Dice for game board.
Chosen by the people Ruled by a few Ancient Greek Governments Most Ancient Greek city states were this Chosen by the people Go back to start Go ahead 3 spaces. United States is this type of government Ancient Greek Governments 2 most famous Ancient Greek city states Ancient Greece was covered by this City that is also a nation Go back 3 spaces. Ruled by a few Get power because parents had it
oligarchy Ancient Greek Governments Monarchy democracy Go back to start democracy Ancient Greek Governments Athens and Sparta Mountains Go back 3 spaces. monarchy monarchy City-state oligarchy
Go back to assign seats.
Now we will play tic tac toe.
Please study tic tac toe board for two minutes. This is also in canvas. I will show you how to play.
Ancient Greece broke up into city states because of this. Three governments of Ancient Greece Choose Leaders A city that is also a nation Ruled by a few 2 most famous city states Ancient Greece surrounded by this Ancient Greece land covered by this United States has this type of government
Oligarchy, Democracy Monarchy Democracy It was covered by mountains City state Oligarchy Sparta and Athens Water Mountains Democracy
Go sit with your partner.
Please play
Three governments of Ancient Greece Choose Leaders Got power because of parents A city that is also a nation Ruled by a few 2 most famous city states Ancient Greece surrounded by this Ancient Greece land covered by this Athens has this type of government
Oligarchy, Democracy Monarchy Democracy Monarchy City state Oligarchy Sparta and Athens Water Mountains Democracy
Please go back to your assign seats
Play 3 corners.
Ruled by a few 1. democracy 2. oligarchy 3. monarchy
Ruler chosen by people 1. democracy 2. oligarchy 3. monarchy
Ruled by a one leader 1. democracy 2. oligarchy 3. monarchy
President of United States is example of which government? 1. democracy 2. oligarchy 3. monarchy
King is example of which government? 1. democracy 2. oligarchy 3. monarchy
Athens was this type of government? 1. democracy 2. oligarchy 3. monarchy
Exit ticket. Why did Ancient Greece divide into city states?
Play Kahoot again.