Metas: I can make comparisons using the correct form of "tan" Metas: I can make comparisons using the correct form of "tan". I can write and talk about how long people have been doing things. I can use online resources to help me prepare for my midterm. Enfoque: Las comparaciones (Actividad 10 en p. 53 del texto) Hace + time expressions (Leer y discutir p. 58. Hacer p. 49-50 en Guided Practice, Actividad 18 en p. 58 del texto) Recap (Exit Ticket) Start Speaking portion of Midterm while the rest of the class studies with online resources & laptops Conjuguemos Quizlet (get this homework done in class!) Catch up on Tareas #6-10 Tarea #10: Quizlet practice with Capítulo 1B (one Study and one Play activity)
Recap (Exit Ticket) On the half sheet of scratch paper, answer these questions in Spanish. Use what you learned about pastimes, extracurricular activities vocab and hace + time expressions to give a detailed response. 1. ¿En qué actividades extracurriculares participas? (This is essentially Speaking Question #10) Yo soy animadora y soy miembro del club de fotografía. Yo participo en el equipo de....y en el club de.... 2. ¿Cuánto tiempo hace que participas? Hace un año que participo en la orquesta.
For the remainder of class, you have these options: If you are completely done with Tarea #9, waiting to be called or have already been called, you can: Catch up on Tareas #1-10. These are due next class period. Read over the study guide and refer to the textbook for practice or content that will be covered. Remember you have a writing portion about your favorite class IN SPANISH. Practice! Grab a laptop and do some online practice with the following resources: (Grammar, Unit 1, Regular Verbs I- III). Brush up on basic conjugation of verbs and do some of the self quizzes! (Spanish verbs: Present tense regular verbs, stem changing verbs and irregulars in the "yo" form) Quizlet sets from Capítulo 1A and 1B. Do one Study and one Learn activity for Tarea #10. Repaso del capítulo games or review activities Prepare for the Speaking portion. Finish answering questions #1-10 from Tarea #9, if you haven't already done so. Practice saying these with a partner. Pre- select which 3 questions you will want me to ask you. Be prepared to answer 2 other ones that I will choose. I will be calling students up one at a time to do the Speaking portion with me. Bring up Tarea #9 so that I can refer to the schedule you wrote out. Please be respectful and keep the volume down while I'm assessing students on the speaking portion.