Future Faces of Physics Physpardy! Physpardy!
Date A Scientist The AlphabetSI Units SPS by the Numbers Spelling
Einsteins birthday, some celebrate it as Pi Day. Date a Scientist - 100
In 1903, this scientist received a Nobel Prize for her work on radiation with her husband. Date a Scientist - 200
Born on 22 September 1791, the ideas of this electric scientist certainly werent confined to a cage. Date a Scientist - 300
Helen Quinn, well-known SLAC physicist, released the Framework for K-12 Science Education, outlining concepts all students should learn before graduation in this year, the same year as the hurriquake. Date a Scientist - 400
This popular theoretical physicist was born on 8 January Date a Scientist - 500
Plancks constant The Alphabet - 100
Newtonian constant of gravitation. The Alphabet - 200
Speed of light in a vacuum. The Alphabet - 300
The gas constant. The Alphabet - 400
Wien displacement law constant The Alphabet - 500
Frequency Units - 100
Power Units - 200
Electric charge Units - 300
Electric Current Units - 400
Luminous Intensity Units - 500
The number of Zones in SPS. SPS by the Numbers - 100
Given to support projects designed to promote physics across cultures, this SPS award is worth up to $300. SPS by the Numbers - 200
The amount a chapter receives after being awarded the Sigma Pi Sigma Undergraduate Research Award. SPS by the Numbers winners from Houston Baptist University
Approximate number of undergraduate students that attended the 2008 Sigma Pi Sigma Congress at Fermilab. SPS by the Numbers - 400
SPS was established in this year, the same year the Beatles released The White Album SPS by the Numbers - 500
The speed and the direction of motion Spelling - 100
A state in which opposing forces are balanced Spelling - 200
Used in electric circuits to store charge Spelling - 300
Having exactly similar parts facing each other around an axis. In Physics, its often super! Spelling - 400
A unit of quantum computing, similar to a bit as a basic unit of computer information. Spelling - 500
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