Key Words: Electronic media; Best practices; Etiquette INTRODUCTION BEST PRACTICES According to Demetrios D. Lappas, vice ELECTRONIC MEDIA ARE becoming an integral part of the office environment. Electronic mail (e-mail), voice mail, and facsimile are readily available. “Effective communication is critical to a company’s success” To fully realize their potential, companies need to agree on the most effective and efficient ways for exchanging information between team members and colleagues; otherwise, the effectiveness and usefulness of these technologies developed may be drastically limited.
The ineffective or improper use of communications tools can create what he describes in the memorandum as a “communication disorder.” To reduce communication disorder, communications guidelines and best practices must be determined. These communications guidelines were developed to improve a sender’s “ability to get the right information to the right people at the right time in the right format that the recipients can and will use.”
E-MAIL Send to many recipients simultaneously Able to forward To respond immediately Make certain that subject headings reflects the message content. Message content is appropriate
Begin e-mail with action item so that readers do not have to scroll to the end to find out what is needed. Identify the intended recipient Messages kept brief and to the point E-mail hardcopy record ? E-mail respond time?
FACSIMILE Fax out ; Always use a cover sheet. Cover sheet includes; Name of sender and name of recipient Date sent Message written clearly Fax out record : (not in use) Stamp fax out info Fax in ; Immediate distribution - by whom? If fax paper, photostat for filing
VOICE-MAIL Not applicable
PENAWAR ADDITIONAL SMS Immediate response Direct or via sms centre
WEB-BASED Forum project management
MEMO Planned HQ meetings : 1 week before Impromptu HQ meetings : 1 day before Acknowledgement of memo : circulate and sign