Social studies is interdisciplinary Archaeology and Paleobiology
Source: Paleobiology is a branch of the natural sciences focusing on examining the origins and history of life on Earth through use of the “fossil record.” The fossil record is literally the total number of fossils we have found and the information we have learned from them. Source:
Both fossilized plants and animals are examined in paleobiology. Evolution: fossilized remains reveal how life on earth evolved. Coprolites or ancient poop reveals what animals and humans both ate in the distant past.
In addition to studying bones, researchers also look at the “imprints” left behind by physical organisms to put together a picture of the past. Paleobioligists study everything from microscopic ancient life to fossils as large as dinosaur bones (and everything in-between).
Some paleobotanists focus on studying plants and ancient “pollen Some paleobotanists focus on studying plants and ancient “pollen.” Pollen is a fine white powdery substance discharged from male plants. People who focus mainly on studying ancient animals are called “paleozoologist.” Some specimens are examined in a laboratory. Some are studied “in situ” (where they are physically found).