CHAIN KoM – Rome, 13 December 2010 WP3 in CHAIN CHAIN KoM – Rome, 13 December 2010
Outline The activity inside CHAIN WP3 in numbers & DoW Community Objectives & Aim Actions Examples
Coordination & Harmonisation of Advanced eINfrastructures WP3 inside a new project Coordination & Harmonisation of Advanced eINfrastructures CHAIN
WP in CHAIN CHAIN is an EC (260011) funded project Structured in ~ 1.9 M€ 1 December 2010 Structured in WP 1 Project Management WP 2 Consolidation of existing state of the art WP 3 Present and emerging needs of trans-continental scientific communities WP 4 Modelling the cooperation of European e-Infrastructures with non-European ones WP 5 Dissemination and Outreach
WP in CHAIN CHAIN is an EC (260011) funded project Structured in ~ 1.9 M€ 1 December 2010 Structured in WP 1 Project Management WP 2 Consolidation of existing state of the art WP 3 Present and emerging needs of trans-continental scientific communities WP 4 Modelling the cooperation of European e-Infrastructures with non-European ones WP 5 Dissemination and Outreach
WP3 in numbers 78 PM out of 281.50 (~28%) For the whole lifetime of the project (24 PM) Partners INFN CIEMAT CESNET UBUNTUNET CLARA IHEP PSA Third parties
WP3 in numbers 78 PM out of 281.50 (~28%) For the whole lifetime of the project (24 PM) Partners INFN CIEMAT CESNET UBUNTUNET CLARA IHEP PSA Third parties Europe
WP3 in numbers INFN CIEMAT CESNET UBUNTUNET CLARA IHEP Europe PSA Third parties Europe Africa
WP3 in numbers INFN CIEMAT CESNET UBUNTUNET CLARA IHEP PSA Third parties Africa Latin America
WP3 in numbers INFN CIEMAT CESNET UBUNTUNET CLARA IHEP PSA Third parties Latin America Asia
WP3 in DoW WP3 is a SUPPORT Activity WP3 “Present and emerging needs of trans-continental scientific communities” Task 3.1 Scientific communities across the continents (INFN) Task 3.2 Proposed road-map of services for communities to be deployed on the e-Infrastructures (CIEMAT)
WP3 in DoW WP3 list of Deliverables D3.1 Trans-continental scientific and technical communities (M06 – May 2011) D3.2 Road-map of trans-continental e-infrastructures for virtual communities (M12 – Nov 2011) D3.3 Trans-continental scientific and technical communities Updated (M18 – May 2012) D3.4 Road-map of trans-continental e-infrastructures for virtual communities Updated (M23 – Oct 2012) D3.5 Results of the validation of the reference communities (M24 – Nov 2012)
WP3 in DoW WP3 list of Milestones MS5 Call for interest for reference communities (M02 – Jan 2011 – Web page) MS6 Shortlist of reference communities ready (M04 – Mar 2011 – Web page) MS7 Agreements with reference communities signed (M09 – Aug 2011 – MoU) …and of, course, two Reviews!!
WP3 community But what is behind...?
WP3 community WP3 actors…
Objectives & Aim What must we do?
Objectives & Aim To provide (limited) support to the existing and well experienced VRC (LHC, Biomed…) To provide support for communities interested to widen their activities collaborating with other continents To discover and attract new scientific communities or merging similar ones operating worldwide.
Objectives & Aim And how…?
Objectives & Aim Performing a large spectrum investigation on the existing and potential trans-continental communities (T3.1) Looking for requirements, commonalities, challenges and possible synergies to be gathered and analysed Then, the results will be used for feeding T3.2…
Objectives & Aim Producing studies of the necessary steps for e-Infrastructures to fulfil the requirement of present and emerging VRC with trans- continental span (T3.2) based on The existing plans of relevant organisations, projects and/or committees (ESFRI, e-IRG, EGI, PRACE…) The feedbacks received during the thematic workshops and high-level conferences
But to do it, being sustainable is a must! Objectives & Aim Thus, the final goal is to involve at least a couple of reference communities to validate the proposed model (services) But to do it, being sustainable is a must!
Actions Actions…
Actions: Definition VRC1 range VRC1 cover from a group of researchers working together, sharing means to carry out common investigations, such as distributed resources: instruments, computing, storage and software tools Up to large international well-structured collaborations VRC1 cover Small user communities (several groups) With or without Grid knowledge Large collaborations Looking for more computing resources and/or advanced services 1 GISELA D3.1
Actions: WP3 point of view EGI and continental/national Grid initiatives offer specific support Which depends on the maturity of the VRC and the current Grid establishment CHAIN can offer among their partners and “fathers” Interaction Coordination Exchange of information “Success stories”
Actions: WP3 point of view CHAIN can offer to their partners the collaboration with other initiatives (Gateway) WeNMR DECIDE DEGISCO INDICATE/DC-NET EMI LHC ESFRI …
Established initiatives Actions: Steps Settled VRC Potential new VRC Established initiatives
events Commonalities Actions: Steps Direct contact with those VRC (LHC, Biomed) Settled VRC “Regional” surveys Direct contact with those initiatives (EGI, ESFRI…) Potential new VRC Established initiatives Commonalities events
events Commonalities Proposed Model Actions: Steps Direct contact with those VRC (LHC, Biomed) “Regional” surveys Direct contact with those initiatives (EGI, CLARA…) Commonalities Proposed Model events
events Proposed Model Actions: Steps Direct contact with those VRC (LHC, Biomed) “Regional” surveys Direct contact with those initiatives (EGI, CLARA…) Proposed Model events
Actions: Validation Proposed Model
Actions: CHAIN events W1 Thematic Workshop Asia Type Venue/Region Theme Proposed time W1 Thematic Workshop Asia Environment & Earth Sciences M04 W2 Latin America Bio-Medical & Health M08 E1 High-Level Conference Europe Research Infrastructures M12 W3 Mediterranean/ Africa Earth Sciences & Environment M16 W4 Computational Science M20 E2 A World of Globalised Science M24
Actions: Synergies WP3 must perform a coordinated work with the rest of CHAIN WP
Actions: Internal road-map The way we’ll work is defined by our milestones MS5 Call for interest for reference communities (M02 ) MS6 Shortlist of reference communities ready (M04) MS7 Agreements with reference communities signed (M09) Lately, updates of the advances should be performed continuously Redefine the road-map Modify the list of proposed services Add new communities
Examples Some examples…
Examples CLARA opened a call for VRC in Latin America2: COMCLARA2010 Several conditions were mandatory for becoming accredited 9 out of 32 were selected Luis for sure will show us the results EGI advances, “Regional” app DB 2 CLARA web site:
Examples GISELA conducted a survey among its partners (= CHAIN T3.1) First contact with the representatives Looking for good LA and EU candidates Putting all together NGI & e-Science Networks They use to have a VRC oriented “WP”
Examples CHAIN could take those ideas as starting point Bearing in mind that we cannot go so deep The number of “supported” VRC might not be as big as those from these initiatives
Rafael Mayo (CIEMAT) - CHAIN WP3 Manager Thank you! Rafael Mayo (CIEMAT) - CHAIN WP3 Manager