An introduction and basic definitions What is Law? An introduction and basic definitions
Jurisprudence The study of law and legal philosophy LAW (Basic definition) the rules and regulations made and enforced by government that regulate the conduct of the people Evolutionary acceptance of laws?
Why the need for laws? Even in societies without written languages, there have been laws Laws are meant to get rid of confusion and disorder Consistency as populations grow Democratic societies need law as a foundational basis Respect for the laws Known in advance Created in a democratic process Apply to everyone
Activity List 5 daily activities (anything you do everyday; simple is fine) Next to each, think of a law that applies to the activity What is the purpose of that law? Would you change it? Why or Why not
Laws and Values Laws show our values (what we believe is right and wrong) Not everything immoral is illegal 1. Protect basic human rights 2. Promote fairness 3. Help resolve conflicts 4. Promote order and stability 5. Promote desirable social and economic behavior 6. Represent the will of the majority 7. Protecting the rights of the minority
Law and Values Moral Economic Political Social Example-laws against killings But… Economic Accumulation, preservation, use, and distribution of wealth Homeownership, stealing, etc Political Relationship between the government and the individual Voting rights… Social Issues important to all of society Education, sports? Can laws fix all ills?